====== Sauron ====== Sauron began his career in the First Age of [[arda:start|Arda]] as a lieutenant of [[melkor_morgoth|Morgoth]]. In later ages, he was the supreme dark lord in his own right. He made nine rings for mortal men which turned them into the [[nazgul|Nazgûl]], bound to his control under his own ring, made in secret. When [[ar_pharazon|Ar Pharazon]] became so mighty that he overthrew Sauron's armies, Sauron allowed himself to be captured and corrupted Ar Pharazon and the high-men of Numenor into worship of [[melkor_morgoth|Morgoth]]. They built the greatest fleet (probably of Spell Jammers) ever, and assaulted Valinor, where they were entombed till [[dagor_dagorath|Dagor Dagorath]]. Sauron also is expected to return at [[dagor_dagorath|Dagor Dagorath]]. Recently the [[cult_of_sauron|Cult of Sauron]] has begun the search for the [[crucible_and_avatar_of_sauron|Crucible and Avatar of Sauron]] to hasten that return. External Sources: [[http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Sauron|Tolkien Gateway on Sauron]]