====== The Great Shipyard ====== In [[micadonia|Micadonia]], stretching along the lakeshore by the Old City, lies the great Spelljammer yard of the [[start|Free Imperia]]. Nearby is the [[naval_armory|Free Imperia Naval Armory]]. The [[superbalas|Great Ship Superbalas]] has been in refit and upgrade here for nearly a decade. The Shipyard makes 'Jammers for the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]], and on contract for the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]], because those bring in the funds for making lots more for the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]]. ===== Ship Plans ===== [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zL7Sr161NZ6n896CP9Xny9LMJYtXBw8v/view?usp=drivesdk|Plans and ship listings]] ==== Great Ship Superbalas ==== The Great Ship Superbalas is an enormous Dragon Carrier with three Great Bombards, one facing forward and two rear facing. At enormous expense it has been armored in [[nak|Nak Metal]]. [[superbalas|Great Ship Superbalas]] ==== Man O War ==== The Man O War, which is not in the [[shipyard|Great Shipyard]] is an [[high_elven_imperial_navy|High Elven Imperial Navy]] experimental model with new stealth technology. It was rescued by the Free Imperia Navy and is being repaired and tested for safety. No-one is cleared to know its location. {{:man-o-war.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:manowardeck.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== Warhawk ==== The Warhawk is an [[elven_confederate_navy_ecn|Elven Confederate Navy (ECN)]] design, hybridizing Elven Grown materials with Vodoni design elements for better handling. [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] has his Warhawk 'Blue Orian' on Arda and is teaching us about growing custom hulls. {{:warhawk.gif?direct&400|}} {{:20240301_204504.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== Arrowing ==== There are currently two Arrowings in Free Imperia service. {{:arrowing.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:arrowing.gif?direct&400|}} ==== Whale Ship ==== The Free Imperia's Whale Ship has levels converted to luxury lodging and casino games. At one time it also experimented with a cavalry deployment role. {{:whale-1.gif?direct&400|}} {{:whaleship_data_card_2e.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== Great Bombard ==== The Free Imperia Navy has had a [[giff|Giff]] contract for ten Great Bombard ships to be delivered with crews every five years for twenty years. Despite their awesome power, a Great Bombard ship looks practically innocent afloat. {{:screenshot_20211014-011827_google.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:greatbombard.gif?direct&400|}} {{:screenshot_20211014-011718_google.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:image-asset.jpeg?direct&400|}} {{:giff_great_bombard_75.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== Hammership ==== The Hammership is an affordable workhorse for the Free Imperia Navy and the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]. {{:hammership.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:hammer.gif?direct&400|}} {{:hammer_ship.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== Hammership Q-Ship Configuration==== These monsters are 100 tons, but built to look like a hammership. They have a metal hull, weapons base loadout is 10 dual medium ballista, 5 dual heavy ballista and 4 dual trebuchets, plus the Magic Missile amplifier built into the hummingbird (Crystal Spheres). And a custom feature, both helms (primary and backup) are installed in thick walled 'vaults'. It doesn't carry much cargo, but it does carry elite Giff gunners and a healthy complement of Air Operations specialists and Imperial Marines. Anyone thinking they are ambushing a merchant ship is in for a bad surprise. The Free Imperia runs these on all our regular lanes at irregular intervals. The rumor has it that some of the Hammer-Q Ships are now armored with [[nak|Nak]], and may mount Bombards! {{:q_ship.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:q_ship.png?direct&400|}} ===== Speculative Ship Plans ===== ==== Battle Dolphin ==== Dolphin ships aren't in production, but have been investigated for the double hull covert trading potential. {{:screenshot_20211014-011129_chrome.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:spelljammer_battle_dolphin_by_laggytoes_dcwatta-pre.jpg?direct&400|}} ==== ECN War Dolphin ==== Plans for the [[elven_confederate_navy_ecn|Elven Confederate Navy (ECN)]]'s Battle Dolphin were shared by [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]], but there is no anticipated production of these hulls. [[elven_confederate_navy_ecn|Elven Confederate Navy (ECN)]] War Dolphin {{:wardolphin.gif?direct&400|}} [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/WarDolphin.html|ECN War Dolphin Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] ==== Swan Ship ==== We aren't actually building Swan Ships in any numbers, but some of us are elves. It's in our blood; we think about it. Keeping a couple in the yard and fooling around with them is good for morale. Custom Swan Ship builds are known to be underway at [[tc1|West Arda Trading Company Outpost TC#1]] and Greywind Harbor in [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]]. Full sized Swan Ship Plans {{:swan.gif?direct&400|}} Little Swan Ships {{:fb_img_1634186624265.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:05c052a4e1cc8a7ffdf19b31c21e4cf7.png?direct&400|}} {{:swanshuttle-01.png?direct&400|}} ==== Pyramid Ships ==== We haven't actually made one, but we have Pyramid design experts (Nithian Templars) - could we make 'Jammers that produce Pyramid Power? {{:pyramid.gif?direct&400|}} [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]