====== Silver River ====== {{:screenshot_20230412_162938_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} The Silver River flanks the [[red_mountains|Red Mountains]] on the Eastern seaboard of Endorë. Its source is deep in the marvelous caverns that form the natural core of [[smash|Thane Smash]]'s Realms Dwarfhold [[argentum_capita|Argentum Capita]]. It recieves traffic entering the [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway]] at its Northernmost end here at a magnificent skylock, with Umberhulk detailing on the Earth Elemental and mage-wrought construction. In addition to barges of the [[imperial_timber_operation|Imperial Timber Operation]], a great deal of previosly ocean-shipped trade passes through here. It flows Southwards, eventually emptying into the [[kagonesti_basin|Kagonesti Basin]] at the [[white_eagle_kagonesti_tribe|White Eagle Kagonesti Tribe]]'s nominal Capital, [[wild_mountains|Wild Mountains]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]