====== Sister Cities ====== **Joint Capital of the Free Imperia** __Map: N20__ {{:screenshot_20230412_170043_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} //Location of the Sister Cities// {{:resized_20211012_142712.jpeg?direct&400|}} //Districts of the Sister Cities// {{:20211012_142628.jpg?direct&400|}} //Suburbs of the Sister Cities// The Sister Cities of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] and [[micadonia|Micadonia]], with their [[south_valley|South Valley]] and [[westmark|Westmark]] suburbs are the joint Capital of the Free Imperia. They are set together in a high valley in the [[ered_ormal_mountains|Ered Ormal]] Mountains at the neck of the [[jojojopo_peninsula|Jojojopo Peninsula]]. High Mountains shelter them to the North and South. Bounded by great wall fort complexes at the East and West, the sister cities are separated by the Great Gate Road. It enters from the West Gate, proceeds past barracks, villages and farms to the heart of the city, just South of the [[great_pyramid|Great Pyramid]], past the Colossal Statues of the Founders, across the Great Bridge and into the [[rendezvous_bazaar|Rendezvous Bazaar]], then on out through the countryside past the Tokugawa Dominion towards the Eastern Gates. A great tunnel connects South Town by the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] complex to the [[south_valley|South Valley]] Settlements at the improved head of the [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]]. Outside the West Gate, the [[westmark|Westmark]] Cities of [[st_karlon|St Karlon]] and [[black_rock|Black Rock]] surround the improved headwater of the [[east_river|East River]], which travels North before cutting back far to the East; thus the most effective way for most people to travel Eastward is via the West Gate. This has inspired the local aphorism "Taking West Gate East" for counterintuitive shortcuts. Both as districts of the Sister Cities, and as surrounding [[south_valley|South Valley]] and [[westmark|Westmark]] settlements, the major nations of the Free Imperia have their Suburb Capitals. Many also have a National Capital far away from the Sister Cities. [[dwarvia|Dwarvia]] is the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]] Suburb Capital. It is a district of Micadonia. [[south_valley|South Valley]] Suburb Capitals include: * [[cormachia|Cormachia]], suburb Capital of the [[free_kingdom_of_harnia|Free Kingdom of Harnia]] under [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]. * [[sardia|Sardia]], suburb Capital of [[barony_munchausen|Barony Munchausen]] under [[baron_munchausen|Baron Munchausen]]. * [[dolornost_arnen|Dolornost Arnĕn]], suburb Capital of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]], under [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]]. * [[twinned_trees|Twinned Trees]], Capital of the [[elflands|Elflands]], under [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine]]. * [[rochia|Rochia]], Suburb Capital of [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]] under [[duke_rocha|Duke Rocha]]. * [[new_falconvale|New Falcónvale]], Capital of [[wings|Arch Duke Wings]]. * [[new_solamnia|New Solamnia]], Suburb Capital of [[solamnia|Solamnia]] under [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar uth Wistan]] and the [[solamnic_raiders|Solamnic Orders]]. In [[westmark|Westmark]], * The [[st_karlon|City of St. Karlon]] is the Capital of [[duchy_st_karlon|Duchy St. Karlon]] under [[arch_duchess_damelia_st_karlon|Arch Duchess Damelia St. Karlon]] * [[black_rock|Black Rock]] is the Capital of [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]] and his Mystaran Elves [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]