====== Skybax Triagral Marines ====== An elite military force serving under [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]], particularly trained for combined operation with airships, including deployment, boarding and ship defense. They have elements serving with the airship trade empire based from [[triagral_island|Triagral Island]] on [[locations#planet_of_mystara|Mystara]] and out of the [[commonwealth_of_triagral|Commonwealth of Triagral]] on [[arda:start|Arda]]. They employ powered glider squirrelsuits in boarding operations, and train with them extensively. They are also training with the [[free_imperia_navy#Marines_Personnel|Imperial Marines]] and [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]]'s [[field_engineering_corps|Air Operations]] group, who contract with them to supply and develop various boarding technology. [[eltan|Thalion]] has particularly requested development of flying surfboards.