====== Solamnic Orders ====== The Solamnic Orders of Chivalry are Krynnic Knights and dedicated to the [[church_of_bahamut|Church of Paladine]]. The remnants of these orders are nominally in Vassalage to [[wings|Arch Duke Wings]]. [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan]] - F(Militarist) L17 LG Human - Grandmaster, Commander, Solamnic Orders * [[theros_ironfeld|Theros Ironfeld]] - Blacksmith L5 NG Human - Smith, Solamnic Orders __1st Solamnic Infantry__ * [[rolf_enderson|Rolf Enderson]] - Cav(Knight of Solomnia) L9 LG Human - 1st Solamnic Infantry * [[henry_cole|Henry Cole]] - Cav L5 CG Human - 1st Solamnic Infantry __2nd Solamnic Infantry__ * Ivan Pavlovich (Cv9) * John Vaszak (F6) __Solamnic Heavy Crossbow__ * [[michael_milinko|Michael Milinko]] - F(Militarist) L5 LG Human - Solamnic Heavy Crossbow * Borrin Fltchfire (F3) __Solamnic Hightower Legion__ * [[wiess_hinorgrad|Wiess Hinorgrad]] - Cav L5 NG Human - Hightower Legion * [[geromic_semboch|Geromic Semboch]] - F(Militarist) L4 CG Human - Hightower Legion __Solamnic Raiders__ * [[reggin_stoitbeck|Reggin Stoitbeck]] - Ranger(Rider) L8 CG Human - Solamnic Raiders * [[razor_drudge|Razor Drudge]] - Thief(Herald) L7 NG Human - Solamnic Raiders * Thisselwood (D2) __Solamnic Templars (Paladine)__ * [[luther_von_kroust|Luther Von Kroust]] - Cleric L12 LG Human - Priest of [[church_of_bahamut|Paladine]], Solamnic Templars * [[ivan_ivonovich|Ivan Ivonovich]] - Crusader POSM(Militarist) L7 LG Human - Solamnic Templars __Solamnic Red Legion__ * [[gregori_maydolik|Gregori Maydolik]] - F(Militarist) L10 LG Human - Solamnic Red Legion * Alma Vigo (F4) __13th Light Infantry__ * Zak Bulushi (F10) * Van Vankoi (F4)