====== South Valley ====== The southern district of suburb capital cities attached to [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] and [[micadonia|Micadonia]]. Linked by the Great South Tunnel to South Town in [[micadonia|Micadonia]] near the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magica]] Complex. It includes: * [[cormachia|Cormachia]], capital of the [[free_kingdom_of_harnia|Free Kingdom of Harnia]] under [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]. * [[sardia|Sardia]], capital of [[barony_munchausen|Barony Munchausen]] under [[baron_munchausen|Baron Munchausen]]. * [[dolornost_arnen|Dolornost Arnĕn]], capital of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]], under [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]]. * [[twinned_trees|Twinned Trees]], capital of the [[elflands|Elflands]], under [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine]]. * [[rochia|Rochia]], capital of [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]] under [[duke_rocha|Duke Rocha]]. * [[new_falconvale|New Falcónvale]], suburb capital of [[wings|Arch Duke Wings]]. * [[new_solamnia|New Solamnia]], capital of [[solamnia|Solamnia]] under [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar uth Wistan]] and the [[solamnic_raiders|Solamnic Orders]]. {{:20211012_142628.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:screenshot_20221122-145652_gallery.jpg?400|}}