====== The Free Imperia ====== Founded by immigrants fleeing the collapse of other worlds, the Free Imperia consists of elves, humans, dwarves, and other races. Mostly humans, but most importantly elves. They cracked the seal on the sphere of [[arda:start|Arda]], starting the Age of Return, and returning magic to [[arda:|Arda]], potentially with catastrophic consequences. The Capital of the Free Imperia is the sister cities of [[Nexus Prime:|Nexus Prime]] and [[micadonia|Micadonia]], surrounded by the [[south_valley|South Valley]] and [[westmark|Westmark]] suburb capitals of the major member states. ===== Meta Game ===== * [[entities|Alphabetical List of Entities with Links]] * [[references|References]] * [[locations|Locations]], big scale * [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda]] * [[campaign|Campaign History]] * [[world_building_agenda|World Building Agenda]] * [[projects|Ongoing Projects]] ==== The Party ==== [[party|The Party (full listing)]] are the primary group of adventurers, who founded, govern, and maintain the Free Imperia. * The primary active party, of [[aragorn|Aragorn]], [[bif|Bif]], [[kane|Kane]], [[Eltan|Eltán]], and [[mica|Mica]]1 is pursuing vampires in the lost Bloodstone Mines near the new [[barony_tranth|Barony Tranth]]. ==== Campaign Record==== The [[campaign|Campaign History]] will continue to be updated with details from each session. Currently the active party is hunting vampires in the long lost Bloodstone Mines near Barony Tranth in the Orocani Mountains. ===== Peoples of the Free Imperia===== [[entities|Alphabetical List of Entities with Links]] The people of the [[start|Free Imperia]] are a varied lot, but fortunately there are Elves. Elves are important, they'll tell you so themselves. Consisting of evacuees of Harn and Krynn, along with natives of [[arda:start|Arda]] and individuals of diverse origin, indluding Oerth and Toril, they now band together to make a stand against gathering apocalyptic darkness. ==== Elves ==== Harnic Elves * [[rainbow_barbarians|Rainbow Barbarians]] * [[harnic_elves_civ|Civilized Harnic Elves]] Krynnic Elves * [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]] and [[house_eventine|House Kanan and House Eventine]] * Krynnic Wild Elves * [[white_eagle_kagonesti_tribe|White Eagle Kagonesti Tribe]] * [[wildrunners_kirath|Wildrunners - Kirath]] * Krynnic Aquatic Elves * [[dargonesti_elves|Dargonesti Elves]] Other Elves * Elves from Alfheim on Mystara, led by [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]] have joined the Free Imperia. * At least a couple non-evil Drow have joined the Free Imperia. * Several elven [[druid_circle|Druids]] came through the [[great_pyramid|Great Imperial Pyramid]] portal from Greyhawk. * The [[elven_confederate_navy_ecn|Elven Confederate Navy (ECN)]] sent us [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] and his crew with his Warhawk the 'Blue Orian' as Ambassadors and Naval advisors. * Some elves, from a variety of places, believing that elves originated on [[arda:start|Arda]], join us in returning to the homeland. * Some members of the [[high_elven_imperial_navy|High Elven Imperial Navy]] are surprised to find themselves as honored guests on [[superbalas|The Superbalas]] after a daring deep phlogistan rescue of them and their experimental fighter. ==== Dwarves ==== There are a number of dwarves (primarily though not exclusively from Harn, Krynn, and Faerun) with the [[start|The Free Imperia]], with a [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Council of Three Kings]]: * [[king_burn|King Burn]] (Harn), * [[king_freehand|King Freehand]] (Krynn), and * [[king_glovin|King Glovin]] (Krynn). The three kings rule in concert over a nominally unified Dwarven nation, under the [[aragorn|Emperor]]. There are also dwarves from Faerun, notably the band of [[smash|Smash, Thane of Argentum Capita]]. They are initiating contact with native Arda dwarves still living in the Lonely Mountain on [[arda:start|Arda]], who were recently discovered by the [[rainbow_barbarians|Rainbow Barbarians]], and the Dwarves of Orothiar near [[barony_tranth|Barony Tranth]]. Their Suburb Capital is [[dwarvia|Dwarvia]], at the Imperial Mines in [[micadonia|Micadonia]], and their National Capital is [[tri_king_fortress|Tri-King Fortress]], in the [[tri_king_mountains|Tri-King Mountains]] of South Eastern Endorë. ==== Humans ==== * The majority of the population of [[start|The Free Imperia]] is human. * [[bif|Krom Thorson, Count Volsung]], [[kane|Doq'tor S. Kane]], and [[wings|Arch Duke Wings]] are human. * [[king_cormach|King Cormach]] and [[duke_rocha|Duke Rocha]] are humans from Harn who lead significant armies. * [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar uth Wistan]] is a Krynnic human, leading the [[solamnic_raiders|Solamnic Orders]]. * [[bishop_datlat|Bishop Datalat]] is the high Prelate of the [[church_of_eru|Church of Eru Ilùvatar]]. * [[lancelot|Lancelot Du Lac]] is supposedly human, though he's so good that it's hard to be sure. * Doubtless some of the other humans consider themselves to be important. The elves of [[start|The Free Imperia]] have discovered many more nations of humans here on [[arda:start|Arda]], the wisest of whom wish for our protection and guidance. * The royal family of Gondor wishes their heir to marry an Elven lady to recharge the blood of the High Men of the West. Since his queen might reasonably be expected to survive him by many centuries, [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]] is actively negotiating terms and introducing carefully picked prospects to see what they think of him; it would be good for him to find a lady who is, and who will remain, loyal to the [[start|The Free Imperia]]. ==== Half Elves and High Men ==== Apart from those who have joined us from elsewhere, the [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]] are actively spreading a population of well educated half elves and high men. ==== Dragons ==== {{:b5f3deda179706cd4ea336464794b7fb.jpg?direct&400 |}} * It is rumored that more than one dragon makes it's home amongst the elves of [[start|The Free Imperia]], not far from the halls of power, but they do not often choose to reveal themselves. In addition: * [[krynn_dragons|Krynn Dragons]] Many good dragons joined [[start|The Free Imperia]] in the evacuation of Krynn * [[temeraire|Téméraire - Lung Tien Xiang]] is an Imperial Dragon from c.1800 Earth [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1psm0KO83EgnoyE4aL872zl80QlZBRz_v/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Li Lung Dragons writeup]] * [[general_chuin_wu|General Chuin Wu]] used to be a dragon. Then he found Sinanju. * Many reformed Draconians came from Krynn. Mostly they crew the [[superbalas|The Superbalas]], or live elsewhere with Metallic Dragons whom they revere as divine. A significant number have settled in the [[solamnic_raiders|Solamnic Orders]]' settlement [[places_on_arda:#Lord_Gunthar_Uth_Wistan|Draco Village]] in the [[southern_archipelago|Southern Archipelago]]. ==== Other ==== * There are known to be [[giff|Giff]], Kender and other Halflings, [[tinker_gnomes|Tinker Gnomes]], Half-Orcs, Orcs, Fir Bolg, talking Animals, and at least one [[lurch_arcane_quartermaster|Arcane]] dwelling in [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]]. ===== Governance ===== The Emperor of the [[start|Free Imperia]] is [[aragorn|Aragithalas Sercenornorow Kanan]]. Free Imperia Organizational Chart: [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mECoT8who3OORGunz1uNRrARYEXAZUoz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Chart]] [[governance|Landsraad, Houses, Council, and Imperial Officers]] ===== Military ===== ==== Army Lists ==== {{:elf_army_2.png?direct&200|}}\\ * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GW3IOf2cbL-kt9sdZ-jWNxfu3gVfYjL4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Imperial]] Imperial Forces List ([[imperial_officeholders_and_appointees|Imperial Military, Officeholders, Appointees, and Ambassadors]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JwPVzpVM3s9W4EI7IfP666HhaIsAryEP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|3 Kings]] Forces under the Dwarf Kings ([[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Personnel and Information]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g2b6UNO11SnFZN8Z5mU3aJua5XJFeVsJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Cormach]] Human Forces under King Cormach ([[king_cormach|Personnel and Information]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RjJskDyjJmtQ3ucx-49yxCvXOnOzhQg3/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Duke Rocha]] Human Forces under Duke Rocha ([[duke_rocha|Personnel and Information]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UKmWqmFCu_747jec9Uxfy9pdMSRz0Fwl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Gilthanas and Eltán]] Krynnic and Harnic Elves ([[gilthanas|King Gilthanas P&I]] - [[eltan|Arch Duke Eltán P&I]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/14SLW5aHwlJPR2dQr2uG26BVydV1L87f5/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Krynn Dragons]] Dragons from Krynn ([[krynn_dragons|Individuals and Information]]) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v-J0naxZZ2mX6UjWReFqMicJGGcWofaw/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Wings]] Human forces under Arch Duke Wings ([[wings|Personnel and Information]]) * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SjejCNzEc8AM5WtRuKcA4kYpyHlGt35g/view?usp=sharing|Baron Red Beard's Flying Knights]] - Griffin Riders * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S_9ZKBAULlulsriofayXsLZhktLZY6y2/view?usp=sharing|Solumnian Griffin Squadron]] * [[windriders|Windriders]], Krynnic Elven Griffin Riders under [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]] led by [[commander_hallus|Commander Hallus]] ==== Fleet ==== {{:fleet.jpeg?direct&200 |}} === Free Imperia Navy === Overall fleet command lies with [[captain_tactitian_miles_teg|Flag Admiral Miles Teg]]. Command of the Imperial Marines is with [[oronto_ambarone|Commandant Oronto Ambarónë, Lord Sithagong]] [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] === WATC Fleet === [[watc|WATC]] fleet command lies with [[admiral_keeris_waremonger|Admiral Keeris Waremonger]]. [[watc_navy|WATC Fleet]] === FEA Group === Over the first 6 months of [[watc|WATC]] activity, the [[fea_group|Fleet Expansion Authority Group]] has put resources together to establish and expand the WATC's and [[free_imperia_navy|FI Navy]]'s fleets in an organized and expedited manner. === Independent Vessels === [[independent_vessels|Independent Vessels]] ===== Major Institutions ===== ==== Imperial ==== * [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] The Order Magika is the Mage's College and Library founded by [[mica|Mica "Wiley" of the Nine]]. * [[postmen|Imperial Dispatch]] The Imperial Dispatch, known as the Postmen, was founded by the [[aragorn|Emperor]] in the early years of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]]. * [[officio_imperial_assassinorum|Officio Imperial Assassinorum]] - Founded by the [[aragorn|Emperor]] and [[baroness_faith_de_vengence|Baroness Faith de Vengence]] in the early years of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]]. * [[imperial_sardukar|Imperial Sardukar]] The Imperial Sardukar was founded by the [[aragorn|Emperor]]. * [[imperial_guard|Imperial Guard]] The Imperial Guard protects the person of the [[aragorn|Emperor]]. * [[imperial_think_tank|Imperial Think Tank]] There's always coffee, alcohol, good conversation, and an open blackboard. * [[imperial_officeholders_and_appointees|Imperial Officeholders and Appointees]] ==== Churches ==== {{:church.jpg?direct&150 |}} * [[Church of Aslan|Church of Aslan]] * [[church_of_bahamut|Church of Bahamut]] * [[church_of_bast|Church of Bast]] * [[church_of_celestian|Church of Celestian]] * [[druid_circle|Druid Circles of Arda]] * [[church_of_dumathoin|Church of Dumathoin]] * [[church_of_eru|Church of Eru Ilúvatar]] * [[church_of_gorm|Church of Gorm]] * [[church_of_horus|Church of Horus]] * [[church_of_isis|Church of Isis]] * [[jedi_temple|Jedi Temple]] * [[church_of_mishakal|Church of Mishakal]] * [[mithra_trees|Mithra Trees]] * [[church_of_moradin|Church of Moradin]] * [[church_of_odin|Church of Odin]] * [[church_of_ptah|Church of Ptah]] * [[church_of_reorx|Church of Reorx]] * [[shinto_temple|Tokugawa Shinto Temple]] * [[church_of_sif|Church of Sif]] * [[church_of_thoth|Church of Thoth]] * [[the_way|The Way]] * [[church_of_yahshua|Church of Yahshua]] ==== Other ==== * [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]] * [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]] * [[signal_company|Signal Company]] * [[fortification_initiative|Fortification Initiative]] ===== History ===== ==== History of Arda ==== [[arda:start|History of Arda]] ===== Foreigners ===== ==== Toril (Forgotten Realms) ==== === Evermeet === [[queen_amlaruil_moonflower_the_sad_queen|Queen Amlaruil Moonflower (The Sad Queen)]] - Mage(Noble) L20 LE High Elf - Queen of the High Elven Empire [[grand_admiral_lylanna_nulaque|Grand Admiral Lylanna Nuliaque]] - Ranger/Illusionist(Militant Wizard) L12/12 LG High Elf - //“Daughter of the Wolf, Mistress of the Forgotten Hope”//, High Admiral of the [[high_elven_imperial_navy|High Elven Imperial Navy]]. [[laeroth_runemaster|Laeroth Runemaster]] - Mage(Miskatonic Loremaster) L25 LG High Elf - Grand Mage of Evermeet, Imperial Elf Advisor, and [[miskatonic_fellow|Miskatonic Fellow]] [[karsellyn_lylyl_lytherraias|Karsel'lyn Lylyl-Lytherraias]] - Cleric(Diplomat) L12 CG Drow - Drow Ambassador to Evermeet. ===== Enemies ===== ==== Probably on Arda ==== [[nazgul|The Nazgûl]] Death knights created by [[sauron|Sauron]]. [[lord_soth|Lord Soth]] A particularly puissant death knight from Krynn. [[vampires|Vampires]] Too many of them, gathered from all over, older than &^%&*$, immune to foo, and they don't like staying dead. Pricks. [[king_og_rephiam_the_giant|King Og Rephiam the Giant]] is a Frost Giant King with an undying Century of Frost Giants. The [[cult_of_sauron|Cult of Sauron]] is trying to find the [[crucible_and_avatar_of_sauron|Crucible and Avatar of Sauron]], to use the Crucible to return [[sauron|Sauron]] to his Avatar on [[arda:start|Arda]]. ==== Probably coming to Arda Soon ==== [[ar_pharazon|Ar Pharazon]] and the [[numenorean_fleet|Numenorean Fleet]] Spell Jamming [[black_numenoreans|Black Numenoreans]] who assaulted Valinor returning for [[dagor_dagorath|Dagor Dagorath]]. [[sauron|Sauron]] Lieutenant to [[melkor_morgoth|Melkor / Morgoth]] who became the Dark Lord of [[arda:start|Arda]] in his own right. [[melkor_morgoth|Melkor / Morgoth]] The original Dark Lord of [[arda:start|Arda]]. [[ungoliant_lolth|Ungoliant / Lolth]] The spider goddess from outside who drank the light from the Two Trees of Valinor, later worshipped by the Drow in other spheres. ==== Elsewhere / Unknown ==== [[takhisis_tiamat|Takhisis / Tiamat]] is the evil dragon goddess who took over Krynn after [[mica|Mica "Wiley" of the Nine]] banished Chemosh. [[infyrana|Infyrana]] is an evil Red Dragon that [[party|The Party]] thwarted, who fled [[arda:start|Arda]] with her plane hopping mountain. [[noriem|Noriem]] is a Human Fighter working with Evil Wings [[the doctor |The Doctor ]] is a Gnome Thief/Illusionist working with Evil Wings [[abilar_jones|Abilar Jones]] is a half-elven assassin working with Evil Wings [[al_kahim|Al Kahim]] is a Stout Halfling Thief working with Evil Wings. [[piper_bereaz|Piper Bereaz]] is a High Elven mage working with Evil Wings. [[czillilanz_disa|Czillilanz' Disa]] is a Priestess of Lolth working with Evil Wings. [[vasyrr_alear|Vasyrr Alear]] is an Anti-Paladin working with Evil Wings. She is [[czillilanz_disa|Czillilanz' Disa]]'s bodyguard. [[yosuoke_proudfoot|Yosuoke Proudfoot]] is a Halfling Ninja/Thief working with Evil Wings. [[erin_balidor|Erin Balidor]] is Human LG Cavalier working with Evil Wings. [[lady_vengence|Lady Vengence]] travels the night on her giant bat, spreading plague with the bolts of her repeating crossbow. [[vitrious_paratus_the_admiral|Vitrious Paratus 'The Admiral']] - Mage(Militant Wizard) L25 LE Red Dragon [[Jarlaxle|Jarlaxle]] - F(Blademaster) L17 NE Drow [[quelt_ryleh_proxy_of_cthulhu|Quelt' R'yleh, Proxy of Cthulhu]] - Cthulhu Cultist(Necromancer- Undead Master) L24 CE Ithillid Evil Wings L20 Ranger, Heartseeker bow, working with [[high_elven_imperial_navy|High Elven Imperial Navy]]