====== 'FIS Paladine', The Superbalas ====== {{:superbalas.jpg?direct&400|}} [[mica|Mica]], in his role as Deacon of [[church_of_bahamut|Bahamut]], is captain of the Superbalas. The Superbalas is a giant spelljamming home for dragons. She served as [[church_of_bahamut|Paladine's]] home on [[arda:start|Arda]] when he came as a boon to [[mica|Mica]] after [[takhisis_tiamat|Takisis]] took over Krynn in the wake of Chemosh's banishment. Her designer and ship's cook, [[akiro_habbukook|Akiro Habbukook]], is an ancient grandmaster of the katana, who has been with the Superbalas since her earliest days. Once blown up by Raistlin, she has been docked in the [[shipyard|Great Shipyard]] near the Old City of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] for repair and refit since she was used for the final evacuation of good dragons and other creatures from Krynn to [[arda:start|Arda]]. Among other things she is being fit with three great bombards, one front facing using part of the Forequarters for dragons, two rear facing along her sides, and coated with a thin layer of [[nak|Nak]], the super-material made by the phase-spider folk from the [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y5-Z8hs6Jk0fqn-yGBHV8HClU9OoNty7/view?usp=sharing|Needle]] on a moon in [[arda:start|Arda]]'s system. Removed and sent to the [[naval_armory|Armory]] were 16 Heavy Catapults and 40 Heavy Ballistae. A number of dragons maintain residence on the Superbalas, though as she returns to active duty they are being encouraged to keep their quarters neat and well organized, as befits a [[free_imperia_navy|Naval]] vessel. Her Captain is Arron Tallbow. She is crewed by a unit of 50 Chaotic Good aligned draconians following Sivak Rak, along with 24 Dracon Templars and other [[church_of_bahamut|Paladine]] worshipers. She also contains the Dragon Forge, capable of making Dragon Armor and Dragonlances, as well as a Temple of [[church_of_bahamut|Paladine]]. She is the current flagship and brig of the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]]. ===== Deck Plans ===== {{:superbalas_p1.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p2.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p3.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p4.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p5.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p6.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p7.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p8.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p9.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:superbalas_p10.jpg?direct&400|}}