====== Trade Fortress ====== {{:screenshot_20221128-104633_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} __Map: N21-N22__ One of the first out-cities, [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]], ruler of the Krynnic [[elflands|Elflands]], caused construction to begin on a Trade Fortress on the Northern shore of [[east_harbor|East Harbor]] in AR07. While some of the nearby settlers came, and still come, South down the [[clearway|Clearway]] with trade from Gaathgykarkin and greater [[palisor|Palisor]], the increased elven presence, later augmented by the Cities of [[krynn|Krynn]] and [[quilinestia|Quilinestia]], reinforced local myths that the forests were best avoided. As a result their patrolled area is fairly peaceful. The greatest volume of trade comes through East Harbor itself, as the mouth of the [[east_river|East River]] into the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]]. Much shipping is constructed here, and many goods coming and going to [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] pass through the Trade Fortress docks. [[gilthanas|Gilthanas]] has an armory district here as well as a sizable garrison and a sprawling walled city of merchants, inns, and dockside attractions. The woods to the North is considerably, if not always obviously, fortified. Tree platforms, elevated pathways, ambush points, etc. are of long standing, and little moves without the Krynnic Elves notice. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]