====== Tri-King Mountains ====== {{:screenshot_20221125-140814_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Stretching from [[in21|IN#21]], the [[free_imperia_navy|Imperial Navy]] lighthouse at the Southern point of the Tri-King Peninsula to [[in42|IN#42]], the lighthouse guarding the Southern point of the mouth of the [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Silvanesti Bay]] in the North, the Tri-King Mountains cover much of the Southeastern coast of Endorë (Middle Earth). [[tri_king_fortress|Tri-King Fortress]], from which they take their name has spawned four well fortified mining outposts to the South. In order from the Southernmost, they are a gold mine at [[dk4|DK#4]], a copper mine and large harbor at [[dk2|DK#2]], a silver mine at [[dk1|DK#1]], and tin and iron mines at [[dk3|DK#3]]. Collectively, this Southern projection of the range into the Southern Ocean is known as the [[tri_king_peninsula|Tri-King Peninsula]], partially fronted on the West by the [[firth_of_durin|Firth of Durin]]. Many of the Hill Dwarves here farm the hilly plains of Brōd and Wōl. Further North the backwaters of [[grand_monaco_bay|Grand Monaco Bay]] snuggle scenicly against the Eastern foothills of the Tri-King range. Still further North, on the Western flank of the Tri-King Mountains, [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]'s city of [[haven|Haven]] nestles between the forks of the headwaters of the [[safehelm_river|Safehelm River]], with a Skylock over the mountains to the headwaters of the [[monaco_river|Monaco River]] in [[barony_munchausen|Barony Munchausen]], at one Eastern end of the [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway Initiative]]. At their final Northern terminus, the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] fortified lighthouse of [[in42|IN#42]] guards [[breakshell_bank|Breakshell Bank]], the Southern point of [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Sylvanesti Bay]] near [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]]'s port city [[semboch|Semboch]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]