====== Lady Vana's Vinerunners ====== The Vinerunners are a gathering of elite units of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]]'s military. Built around the core of specialized irregulars under the hereditary command of [[lady_vana|Lady Vana]], they have had new units added since [[eltan|Thalion]]'s ascension to the Duchy Eltán. Most of Thalion’s forces are training a force specifically tuned to building and supporting garrisoned fortresses and [[signal_company|Signal Company]] towers, and deploying between, in support of, or against them from Spell Jammers and Sky Castles. This results in Air Operations, the elite assault and insurgency training group, being the primary occupation of the Vinerunners, who are as agile in the rigging of Jammers as the forests where they earned their name. Primary assignments are under the aegis of various sections of the [[field_engineering_corps|Field Engineering Corps]] and to a lesser extent, the [[rathkeeps_corps|Rathkeeps Corps]]. The main Vinerunners Barracks is in [[dolornost_arnen|Dolornost Arnĕn]]. {{:screenshot_20230502_233006_firefox.jpg?direct&400|}} //Vinerunners Barracks, Field Engineering Workshops, Smithy Complex, Warehouses, Wet-hull and Jammer Port with Hangars.// ===== Units ===== __Commanding Officer, Vinerunners__ * [[lady_vana|Lady Vana]] - Ranger(Noble Warrior) L12 CG Harnic High Elf __Harnic Legion__ * General Ori Bleenfeather (F10) * Commander sin Baralthal (Mu6/th3) __Harnic High Elf Infantry__ * Lord Ezzah (F8) * Captain Lannah (F3)