====== WATC Fleet ====== {{:hammer_ship.jpg?direct&330|}} \\ [[admiral_keeris_waremonger|Admiral Keeris Waremonger]] is the Fleet Admiral of the [[watc|WATC]] Fleet. The [[watc|WATC]] Fleet, built over 6 months by the [[fea_group|FEA Group]], hopefully consists of * 50 Hammerships, 60 tons, major helms * 50 Swanships, 32 tons, major helms * 500 custom Patrol Boats powered by Rudders of Propulsion * 250 unpowered barges for SJ towing * [[sky_castles|Sky Castles]] including WATCH and Lock Tankers * ships on contract from the Empire or individuals * extra space on [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] ships. * Airships?!? * Wet hull ships, particularly on the [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway]] and in the [[southern_archipelago|Southern Archipelago]]. Over the six months leading up to the Old Bloodstone Mine exploration and the Imperial annexation of [[barony_tranth|Barony Tranth]], between purchases and construction, the WATC grew to approximately 100 SJ hulls. For details see [[fea_group|FEA Group]]. [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] [[independent_vessels|Independent Vessels]] ===== WATC Ships ===== ==== Cargo Barge ==== {{:undefined:cargo_barge_1.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:cargo_barge.jpg?direct&400|}}