====== Yellow Mountains ====== {{:screenshot_20230310_143630_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Stretching across the South of Endórë, the Yellow Mountains separate the Mûmakan Peninsula and the Thanihazad from Harad and Bellakar. Heavily occupied by Settlements and Outposts of the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]], Solamnic forces under [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar uth Wistan]], and Harnic elements of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]], far ranging patrols have done little to tame the dangers of this range. From East to West, the line of Free Imperia constructions are: * [[fort_wistan|Fort Wistan]] * [[iron_fist|Iron Fist]] * [[dk6|Dwarf Kings Outpost DK#6]] * [[castle_sancrest|Castle Sancrest]] * [[dk5|Dwarf Kings Outpost DK#5]] * [[citadel_city|Citadel City]] * [[sirnan|Sirnan]] * [[pk6|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers Outpost PK#6]] * [[tc1|West Arda Trading Company Outpost TC#1]] [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]