Handmaid of Varda Elentári, Maia of Eru
Eltán's texts refer to her as Starlight, Handmaid of the Lady of Stars.
Cormach's text refers to her as the sister of Eönwë, daughter of Manwë Súlimo, and Varda Elentári.
Gondor's library preserves a fragment of text about her, saying:
“The Vali of love, music, beauty and purity, who is the same as Lotisse (or Veneste). She dwells in Alalminóre, and the fairies guard her tower. She and Noldorin, and his brother Amillo, alone have left Valinóre to dwell among the Inweli, Noldor, Eldar, and Teleri in Tol Eressea (Inwenóre). She is also often called Akairis, or bride. She dwells in a 'korin' of elms.”