Terra of Mithras

Terra of Mithras is a member of the Order Magika.

Terra of Mithras is Looking For Tesla with Mica2.

Terra of Mithras is married to Zalkad of Mithras

Terra of Mithras worked fortress construction with the Field Engineering Corps

MU L16 N Human

Terra of Mithras character sheet

Character History

Description: Terra is a pretty woman with curly red hair, large brown eyes, and a sad expression.

Attitudes: Terra loves meeting new people, but has a difficult time forging lasting friendships and stays in one place only as long as she feels comfortable with the people around her. The death of her parents and mentor hurt her deeply, and she is reluctant to become close to anyone for fear of losing them.

Background: At the age of 32, Terra’s difficult life is finally turning around. Her parents were killed by draconians when she was 10, and she still tries to avoid attracting the attention of draconians. She moved in with her mentor, a wizard of the red robes, and for the next four years, studied hard and developed her talent. Her mentor was killed by an assassin after selling a faulty magical item he had created.

At the age of 12, Terra packed her meager possessions and as many of her mentor’s magical items as she could carry and left for the Tower of Wayreth. She had attained 4th level as a wizard, and sought to take the Test of High Sorcery and gain a new mentor.

Terra traveled with a caravan of bards for a time, cooking and cleaning in exchange for the safety of their wagons and for a place to sleep. She learned to sing, dance, and repair musical instruments. When she parted their company, she sang and danced for her supper until she reached Wayreth.

She was nearly turned away by the wizards at Wayreth. Terra’s former mentor claimed to have been approved by the Conclave of Wizards, but his status was shaky at best. Terra begged the conclave to accept her, and for one year, she stayed at the tower under their watchful eyes, proving herself to be studious, loyal, and talented during this probation. The conclave allowed her to take the Test, and she survived with barely a scratch.

Terra stayed at the tower for a number of years but never became close to anyone there except Zalkad (a mage of the White Robes).

Zalkad was a fatherly figure, kind and gentle, something that she has lacked since the untimely death of her parents. They married in a quiet ceremony on the eve of the great move to Arda.

Unique Spells by Terra of Mithras

Terra of Mithras' Blacklance

AKA: Blacklance


This spell creates a spear of pure black energy tapped from the Negative Material Plane. When cast, it visibly streaks from the wizard’s fingertips, inflicting 1d4/lvl. After it hits the first target, the spell leaps to the next closest target, inflicting half the damage done to the first. It continues leaping, halving damage each time, until reduced to 1 point or less. The spell never strikes the caster, nor will it strike a given target more than once.

(Source: Marco Volo Adventure Series by TSR, page #6)