Volkek Oshra is a Scro Orc Mage, a member of the Order Magika.
MU L15 N Scro Orc
AKA: Chromatic Rod
This spell creates a 2'-long scintillating rod that appears in the caster's hand. The rod can be used to touch an opponent, who must make a successful saving throw versus spell or stand motionless for 1d6 rounds while myriad colors dance before his eyes, completely blocking out all other sight. The target is effectively blind, with a -4 AC penalty and -4 THAC0 penalty.
During the four rounds the rod is in existence, it can affect as many targets as the caster can successfully attack. Note that the wizard might gain extra attacks for employing a Haste spell. Likewise, if the DM uses the Player's Option: Combat and Tactics rules, the mage might gain attacks of opportunity.
Like the Chromatic Orb spell, the Chromatic Rod bypasses metal armor; only magical bonuses and Dexterity adjustments apply to the AC of a target in metal armor. Also, the caster is not considered to be attacking without a weapon, making this spell much more effective than Shocking Grasp or other touch spells. The material component is a small glass rod or prism. A light source must be present for this spell to function; it does not work in total darkness.
Source: Dragon Magazine, Issue #242.77 (Dec 97)
AKA: Random Spell I*
(Invocation/Evocation, Wild Magic)
This risky spell draws upon the chaos of magic to form magical energy into a spell of more power than the wild mage could otherwise be casting. Random spell, when casts, creates an effect equal to a randomly selected spell of second or third level. The wizard does not know what spell will be duplicated: that is determined the instant the spell is cast. The casting time of the second spell is one round, and it must be cast in the round following the casting of random spell.
In that instant, the wizard learns the basics of how the spell is to be targeted. The wizard might know to select a single target, a centre point for an area effect spell, an object, a direction (for a cone or similar spell), or whatever. If there is no suitable target within range, random spell fails. If appropriate, the duration is also determined this way. The wizard learns nothing else, including whether or not the spell is harmful or helpful.
Random spell should be rolled off of a fairly large list of spells that includes both common and unusual spells. The lists in the back of the Forgotten Realms book would work quite well, but any other list will do. DMs should not include spells with a normal casting time of one turn or more in this list.
(From Great Net Spellbook V6, Author: Peter Gourlay)
AKA: Dacul's Elemental Lightning Barrage
A form of the spell Melf's Minute Meteors that uses lightning instead of fire. When cast, the mage draws his hands wide apart, and lightning start to arc from his open hands as he speaks words of power arcane (this is during casting and makes the casting of this spell completely obvious to all who can see him). He then swings his half-opened cat claw-like hands toward the sky and the lightning arcs between his outstretched hands for a second before striking out in a barrage of lighting bolts that strike the target(s) as desired with a successful THAC0 roll, as modified below. Note that this spell requires both hands to properly enact the somatic components. This is true for the single bolts also.
The spell creates 1 bolt of lightning that causes 1D4 points of lightning damage per level of the caster (no chance of rebounding). There is no limit to the number of bolts that can be generated, but they have other limitations. Each bolt requires a To Hit roll at +1 to Hit -vs- ALL but those clad in metal armor and/or wielding large metal weapons (such as those in chain mail or those wielding two-handed swords or large battle axes). Against them, treat their AC as AC10 with only Dex and Magic improving their AC. He gains a +3 To Hit them.
Each bolt has a 25% +3%/caster level chance of catching combustibles on fire when they strike. Increase this percentage chance by +12% per additional bolt that strikes the same target in the same round (if a total of four bolts cast by a 10th level mage strike a possibly flammable target, then it must roll against a (25% +12% +12% +12% +30%[10×3=30%] 91% chance of catching fire in addition to the lightning damage done by the bolts).
This spell can function in two forms:
1) This version of the spell sends out 5 bolts each and every round at the same or different targets, until the mage runs out or gives up the rest of his bolt willingly and ends the spell. A To Hit roll is required for each as described above. Also note that all the bolts lash out at the same time as described in the Multiple Attacks section on page 95 of the PHB.
2) This version allows the caster to fire one bolt per round until his supply is exhausted. This also lets him perform other actions in that same round, such as casting spells (so long as they do not require concentration), combat (with no penalties), etc. The bolt simply functions as a free extra attack. Note that the mage must keep an exact mental count of the number of remaining bolts he has or he looses the rest. Spells which require concentration force him to forgo the rest of his bolts. A successful Dispel Magic will negate any remaining bolts that have yet to be launched.
Source Unknown
AKA: Ball Lightning
This spell creates one ball of lightning for every 5 levels of the caster. Each ball can be sent to a different target. A ball of lightning flies through the air to strike its target. Once there, it moves rapidly (120'/round) along surfaces in random direction: up masts, along the deck, down stairwells, etc. A ball of lightning inflicts one point of damage per level of the caster each time it touches a living creature. There is a 10% chance that each ball will come to rest at a certain spot, such as the top of a mast or at the end of a yardarm. If so the lightning starts a small fire on a roll of 5 or 6.
(Source: AD&D Planescape “Campaign Setting”)
AKA: Darkray's Absorbing Cloak
When a wizard casts this spell, he is surrounded by an invisible aura, like a cloak, that absorbs and stores magical energy in the form of spell levels. Once cast, the cloak lasts until it absorbs its maximum (see below). One such cloak can absorb up to half the caster's level (round down) in wizard spell levels. The spells absorbed must be cast directly at the caster. Area effect spells (like fireball and cloudkill) cannot be absorbed. If a spell cannot be totally absorbed, the cloak has no effect on it.
When the cloak absorbs its maximum, it remains active for another round. During this time, the wizard can enhance the effects of a single other spell using the previously stored energy: he can cast one spell as if he was one level higher than he actually is, per two full spell levels absorbed. If the wizard chooses not to use the stored energy, it is released the following round as a harmless warm light around him.
Example: an 8th-level wizard casts absorbing cloak; he can absorb up to 4 spell levels. Some time later, he is hit with a magic missile (+1) and a lightning bolt (+3), all absorbed. At the same round, another magic missile hits, but as the cloak is full, damage is normal. In the following round, the wizard decides to use the stored energy to enhance his own lightning bolt. The bolt will inflict 10d6 points of damage instead of 8d6 HP, with appropriate adjustments to range and area of effect.
The use of true seeing or similar magic will reveal the presence of the protective aura, in the form of a shadow cloak worn by the caster.
The material component of the spell is a silver or gold piece, consumed in the casting. The spell is not cumulative with itself.
(Source GNSB, Author: Dimitris Xanthakis)
AKA: Skip Spell
Level: 4 Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
With this spell the caster is able to project magical energy into the future, effectively delaying the onset of one spell. The spell to be skipped must be cast immediately after the casting of this spell; if there is any delay or interruption, skip spell will fail. Once the magical energy for the second spell has been conjured, it is projected into the future a maximum number of rounds equal to two times the factorial of the caster's level. A 7th-level wizard, for example, can skip a spell (7+6+5+4+3+2+1)x2=54 rounds into the future. The caster must determine at the time of casting when exactly he wants the spell to be released, although he does have the option of bringing the spell into effect sooner, if he desires. This is a bit tricky, and there is a base 100% chance that the spell will actually be released 1d4+1 rounds later than desired. This percentage is modified by -5% for every caster level, down to a minimum of 25%. If the spell to be skipped is aimed at a specific target, and that target moves out of the spell's range, it will fail.
(Source: GNSB, Author: Joshua Rosenfeld)
AKA: Enemies
This spell allows the wizard to bestow a Charisma of -1 on any creature unless the saving throw versus spell is made. Creatures with high Charisma get to add 1 to their saving throw per point of Charisma above 14. Creatures with low Charisma subtract 1 from their saving throw per point of Charisma below 8. Any normal creature seeing a being with negative Charisma will attack it immediately trying to kill it in any way possible. The spell has no effect on gods and demigods.
Creatures above 5 HD or fifth level get a saving throw as to whether they attack the spell's recipient. The negative Charisma effect can be negated by making the recipient invisible to normal view (invisibility, darkness, etc.). The spell can also be negated by a successful dispel magic. The material components of this spell are a hemlock bud and a small piece of onyx.
(GNSB, Author: Douglas Webb)
AKA: Fire Hurricane
This spell causes a hurricane of fire to come around the caster. Any 1 or 2 HD monsters in area of effect are slain. Others are pulled into the hurricane and must save or get knocked out by flying objects. Creatures in the hurricane take 3d6 points of fire damage every round and can save vs. breath to get out. The storm will burn any burnable material and anything who comes in 10 feet will start to get pulled (save vs. spell). The storm is 2 feet/level high and caster is in the eye of the storm. Caster can must at half movement or cast other spells without losing spell. Up to one man-sized/level can be held in hurricane or one large creature/ 2 levels.
(Great Elemental Net Book, Author: wrathgon)