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Elurion Paurgiliath

Engineer/Artificer of Church of Eru Ilùvatar

Initiate(7°) of the Order Magika

Engineer Scholar in the Field Engineering Corps

Son of Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán and Dame Lidia Vie.

Identical twin of Elurond Paurgiliath.

Older brother of Eluriel Paurgiliath and Eluthien Paurgiliath.

Older brother of Eluwen Paurgiliath and Eluwing Paurgiliath.

First cousin of Lord Raza Vie.

Elurion's Character Sheet

Character History

Son of Thalion Paurgiliath and Dame Lidia Vie.

Identical twin of Elurion Paurgiliath.

Older brother of Eluriel and Eluthien Paurgiliath.

Older brother of Eluwing and Eluwen Paurgiliath.

First Cousin(Maternal) of Lord Raza Vie.

Elurond and Elurion, and their younger sisters Eluriel and Eluthien, and Eluwen and Eluwing, were children by a brilliant noble Harnic High Elven lady who might have been Thalion's childhood sweetheart. She was a priestess of Eru, and a scion of the Vie family; Lord Raza Vie's aunt. She was married instead, by arrangement, to a minor prince of the Royal house of Eveal who died almost immediately.

By the traditions, she would have remained childless. Thalion sets a new tradition, but it was not until he persuaded her to undergo a mental link to his holy divining, and confirm it with her own, that she believed his work was righteous.

Eru had, by request, many ages ago, set down rules regarding the marraige of elves, but had in no way proscribed reproduction for the widowed or unwed.

His premise brought great controversy to Harnic High Elven culture. Many still do not believe him; but his proof is that he remains a Paladin: he acts as Eru wills.

Elves dying out instead of having children is a tragic side effect of culturally warped dogma. Eru is in favor of half elves and high men. If the histories weren't enough evidence, they also, by divine word, are part of the plan, and harmony between the children is pleasing to the most high.

Thalion likes to joke that he is a judgement on traditionalist elves. When Numenor turned to Evil, Eru sent the wave. When Elves turned to isolation, snobbishly fading away while cherishing their eldritch sorrows, Eru sent Thalion.

With a number of children absolutely unprecedented in the histories, only occasionally enabled by fertility magic, it is a surprisingly apt comparison.

All three sets of twins were raised in the Church of Eru. Elurion and Elurond consider themselves holy engineers, though they do not cast clerical spells. Tired of the scorn of traditionalists like the Emperor, today their mother works with the Rainbow Barbarians, spreading a gentling cultural influence. She volunteered to be part of the program placing clerics and rangers with the tribes.

Both of the twins work for the Field Engineering Corps. Usually they can be found in their workshop in Vieburg, often working with their cousin Lord Vie.

Magic Items

Ioun Stones

These magical stones always float in the air and must be within 3 feet of their owner to be of any use. When a character first acquires the stones, he must hold each and then release it, so it takes up a circling orbit, whirling and trailing, circling 1d3 feet from his head. Thereafter, the stones must be grasped or netted to separate them their owner. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow the stones (at night, for example) to keep them safe, but he loses the benefits of the stones during that time. 1d10 ioun stones will be found, though there are 14 different kinds, in all. Roll 1d20 to determine the property of each stone, a duplication indicating a stone which is burned out and useless but counts as one of the number found:

Whenever ioun stones are exposed to attack, they are treated as Armor Class -4 and take 10 points of damage to destroy. They save as if they were of hard metal—+3 bonus.


D20        Color of

Roll        Stone        Shape        Effect        1        pale blue        rhomboid        adds 1 point to Str. (18 max.) 2        scarlet & blue        sphere        adds 1 point to Int. (18 max.) 3        incandescent blue        sphere        adds 1 point to Wis. (18 max.) 4        deep red        sphere        adds 1 point to Dex. (18 max.) 5        pink        rhomboid        adds 1 point to Con. (18 max.) 6        pink & green        sphere        adds 1 point to Cha. (18 max.) 7        pale green        prism        adds 1 level of experience 8        clear        spindle        sustains person without food/water

9        iridescent        spindle        sustains person without air 10        pearly white        spindle        regenerates 1 hp/turn 11        pale lavender        ellipsoid        absorbs spells up to 4th level* 12        lavender & green        ellipsoid        absorbs spells up to 8th level 13        vibrant purple        prism        stores 2d6 levels of spells 14        dusty rose        prism        gives +1 protection 15-20        dull gray        any        burned out, “dead” stone     * After absorbing 10-40 spell levels, the stone burns out and turns to dull gray, forever useless. After absorbing 20-80 spell levels, the stone burns out and turns dull gray, forever useless.

Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc.

Ring of Spell Storing

A ring of spell storing contains 1d4+1 spells which    the wearer can employ as if he were a spellcaster of the level required to use the stored spells. The class of spells contained within the ring is determined in the same fashion as the spells on scrolls (see “Scrolls''). The level of each spell is determined by rolling 1d6 (for priests) or 1d8 (for wizards). The number rolled is the level of the spell, as follows:         Priest: 1d6, if 6 is rolled, roll 1d4 instead.

Wizard: 1d8, if 8 is rolled, roll 1d6 instead.         Which spell type of any given level is contained by the ring is also randomly determined.         The ring empathically imparts to the wearer the names of its spells. Once spell class, level, and type are determined, the properties of the ring are fixed and unchangeable. Once a spell is cast from the ring, it can be restored only by a character of appropriate class and level of experience (i.e., a 12th-level wizard is needed to restore a 6th-level magical spell to the ring). Stored spells have a casting time of five.

Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc.

Lens of Speed Reading

While looking through this lens, the user can read any book, document, or other written material at three times his normal speed with full comprehension. When used in conjunction with read magic, the lens of speed reading enables the user to quickly scan scrolls and magical tomes to learn their contents, but it has no effect on the time required to cast spells. The lens will not decipher codes, improve illegible writing, or allow magic to be read without the proper spells.

Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc.


Available Project Types

Artificer Project Task Time CostResult
Make Spell Store Item Prepare Item 1 week 100gp minAuto success
Enchant Item 1 Day 500gp/spell lvlAuto Success
Re-Enchant Spell Store Item Enchant Item 1 Day 500gp/spell lvlAuto Success
Research Temporary Magic ItemResearch 1 Week/500xp value(1/2 sample or research spell) 100gp/weekLearn Spell check or extra week
Extra Week 1 week 100gpLearn Spell Check
Make/Enchant Temporary Magic ItemEnchant Item 1/2 research time 2d6x100gp + base item costLearn Spell check
Re-Enchant Temporary Magic ItemEnchant Item 1 Week 2d6x100gpLearn Spell check
Engineer Project Task Time CostResult
Design Design New Construction DM Assigned DM AssignedEngineering Check
Build Build From Design DM Assigned DM AssignedEngineering Check
Analyze Analyze Other's Design DM Assigned DM AssignedEngineering Check
Scholar Project Task Time CostResult

Project Schedule