Map: P22-P23
Flying North over the Channel Forts
The Free Imperia Navy built 8 forts across the Dargonesti Narrows at the mouth of the Dargonesti Sound.
The Channel Forts are built on both landwardpoints of the Narrows, on the Jojojopo Peninsula to the West and Shay Head to the East, and along the islands of the Dargonesti Banks to protect the entrance to the Dargonesti Sound with overlapping fields of fire and a sizable squadron. Generally incoming and outgoing traffic are each limited to one passage, though the setup of channels and batteries is constantly altered, looking very different year to year. Incoming and departing ships are stopped, take on a pilot who steers through whichever channel is unblocked and approved for the day, take care of taxes and paperwork, and send the pilot back on a waiting boat.
IN#7 - Jojojopo Peninsula fortification
IN#9 - Geometer's Tump
IN#10 - Fleet House
IN#11 - Harbor Tump