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Places on Arda

Arda is the third planet from Anor, its sun. For more on ArdaSpace, see Locations, Large Scale

Hyperelliptical projecton of Arda

Middle Earth

(Q) Endórë

The continent Endorë, or Middle-earth, extends from 5°N to 59°N, and from 38°W to 33° E

Full Sized Map of Endórë with cities, settlements, and outposts

Free Imperia

Member Nations, Cities and Outposts

At the heart of the The Free Imperia are the Sister Cities that are its joint Capital, Nexus Prime and Micadonia. Site of the Great Pyramid, the Order Magika, the Colossal Statues of the Founders, and The Great Shipyard.

Both as districts of the Sister Cities, and as surrounding South Valley and Westmark settlements, the major nations of the Free Imperia have their Suburb Capitals. Many also have a National Capital far away from the Sister Cities.

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The Sister Cities

Sister Cities

Map: N20

Nexus Prime

Nexus Prime, sister city to Micadonia

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The Out Cities

South Valley and the Westmark are the suburbs of the Capital Cities. Each is home to capitals of the Major Houses of the Free Imperium.

Map: N20-O20

South Valley

South Valley is attached to the Sister Cities by the Great South Tunnel. Its settlements are built around the headwaters of the Great Southern River.

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Westmark outside the West Gates is built around Westlake, improved headwater of the East River.

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Major Settlements

Large settlements of the member nations, not in or around the Sister Cities.

Barony Tranth

Barony Tranth

  • Belfaux - Map: K17
  • Sofular - Map: K16
    • Village, 1500 area population
    • 70 miles West of Belfaux on approx. site of historical Sturlurtsa Khand
  • Orothiar - Map: K17
    • Autonomous Hill Dwarven enclave,
    • 40 miles North of Belfaux, on a fork off the old mine trail.
  • Old Bloodstone Mine
    • 60 miles North of Belfaux

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Odin's Folk

Odin's Folk

  • Vestrhelm - Map: G14-G15
    • major fortified settlement of Odin worshipping Rohirrim and Alfheim Elves
    • On the Southwestern tip of the Sea of Rhûn.

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Duchy Eltán

Duchy Eltán

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Gilthanas' Kingdom of Elflands

Kingdom of the Elflands

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Dwarf Kings

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King Cormach

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Baron Munchausen

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Duke Rocha

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Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan

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Outposts are forts, lighthouses with artillery emplacements, villages, etc., built to anchor trade and future settlements. All are being upgraded to include Signal Company equipment and WATC facilities, and were built with Imperial Dispatch facilities, including pigeons and remounts. All have surrounding rural population or small villages.

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Imperial Military Bases

Imperial Military - IM#x

  • IM#1 - Map: N21
  • IM#2 - Map: N20
  • IM#3 - Map: N20
    • Fortified base camp at the Northern overlook mountain outside West Gate
    • 85 miles NW from the Sister Cities at source of Nort Fork of East River
  • IM#4 Map: N19
    • The Northern Watchtower
  • IM#5 - Map: N19
    • The Western Watchtower
  • IM#6 Map: N20
    • The Southwest Watchtower

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Imperial Navy

Imperial Naval - IN#X

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Paurgiliath Peacekeepers

Paurgiliath Peacekeepers - PK#x

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Solamnic Orders
Odin's Folk

Odin's Folk - OF#x

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Imperial Dispatch
Signal Company
West Arda Trading Company

West Arda Trading Company - TC#x

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Dwarf Kings

Three Kings of the Dwarves - DK#x

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King Cormach
Duke Rocha

Duke Rocha - DR#x

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Baron Munchausen

Baron Munchausen - BM#x

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Rainbow Barbarians

Rainbow Barbarians - RB#x

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Church of Eru

Church of Eru Ilùvatar - CE#x

  • CE#1 - Map: H26
    • Arda Heritage Historical Preservation
    • Lake Khelkeneni, last remnant of Cuiviénen, Western flank of Red Mountains

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Foreign Lands, Historical

Maps of political entities and cities are from Third Age, now extremely unreliable (10,500 years)

The West

Old Gondor

  • Ithilien
    • osgiliath Map: I12
  • Anorien
  • Lebennin
    • pelargir Map: I12
  • Belfalas
    • lond ernil (dol amroth) Map: J9
    • linhir Map: I10
  • Lamedon
    • calembel Map: I10
  • Mornan (Morthond)
    • sarn erech Map: I10
  • Anfalas
      • lond galen Map: I9
      • annúlond Map: J8

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  • Enedwaith
    • Lond Daer
      • Numenorean ruins
  • Cardolan
    • Tharbad Map: G8
    • Minhiriath
    • Saralainn
      • Suduri Map: H8
  • Eregion
    • (rivendell) Map: F10
    • (moria w. gate) Map: F10-G10
    • The Angle
  • Arnor / Arthedain
    • Annuminas Map: F7 Annuminas was made into Elessar's summer capital
    • Fornost Erain (Kingsbury) Map: F8
  • Shire
    • Bree Map: F8
  • Waste of Angmar
    • ruins of carn dum Map: E9

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  • Harnen
    • gobel ancalimon Map: K12
  • Harandor
    • gobel mirlond Map: K11

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Sea of Rhûn

#3002 - The Inland Sea

  • Dorwinion
    • szrel-kain Map: F15
  • Gathod
    • mistrand Map: G15
  • Islands

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  • Dor Rhûnen
    • rhûnost Map: G13

  • Erebor
    • Dale / Lonely Mountain Map: E13
    • Esgaroth (Long Lake) Map: F13
  • Anduin Vale
  • Mirkwood

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  • calimirie (edoras) Map: H11
  • Hornburg (Helm's Deep) Map: H11
  • Aldburg Map: H11

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Greater Harad - MERP

Big stitched Sirayn map

  • Kirmlesra
    • Tul Harar
    • Charnesra
  • Chennacatt
    • tartaust
      • When the Dwarves of Citadel City arrived, Tartaust was a crumbling ghost town at the feet of the Dragon-headed Mountain. The water was toxic with runoff of old lead mines, and scavenger orcs from the caves beneath sheltered in the ruins. It has been cleaned up and rebuilt considerably to new design, though here and there an old pillar or carved portico was worth saving. Now large Sky Locks extend above the city, awaiting boat traffic that has sailed around the imposing modern fortifications. The water is clean, and food grown on the other side where the soil is also clean is widely traded. A visitors' hostel serves local wine and ale.
    • Baud Selen
  • Erim Poa
    • tul poac
  • Ne Tava
  • Sará Rask
      • Tyarett
  • Isra
    • Rask
    • tul isra

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#3006 - Harshandatt

  • Cities
    • Mejhat
    • Naerphys
    • Pyrador
    • Murghyr
    • Tûl Jodia
    • Galataj
    • Bahri

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Chyan Empire

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  • Zajuntak
    • zadan-an-adun Map: Q12 - Rebuilt by Paurgiliath Peacekeepers as Outpost PK#7 in alliance with local tribes. Some rather nasty cannibals ruled the area from the ruins, and the rest of the peoples in the area were delighted to be out from under their yoke. They begged the Peacekeepers to stay, and work with them as local support and auxilliaries. The rebuilding is a mix of original styles adapted to sound defensive practice from Free Imperial standards, and commands the river nicely.
  • Norpûl Estuary
    • Norpul Estuary
    • Kadar An Kharadûn
      • The modern fortress on this site is IN#40, guarding a harbor and the mouth of the Norpul River. Whatever the Nûmenoreans had once built here, the ruins are no longer evident. The local jungle tribesmen are strongly pro-Empire, welcoming the protection of the Free Imperia Navy from the more warlike city states of Tulwang.
      • 2nd Age painting of Kadar An Kharadûn
  • Raishoul, ???
  • Ashatur, ???

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  • norjadar Map: Q11

  • Bishra
    • telarud Map: P11
  • Kanjar
    • soriya Map: P11

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Sultanate of Raj

  • Isfahan
    • sud sicanna Map: N13

  • Tresti
    • tresti? Map: O13

  • Bozisha Miraz
    • bozisha dar Map: O12

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  • Southern Bellakar
    • nîlûlônde Map: O10
    • bûr esmer Map: O11
    • korlea Map: O11
  • Bellazen
    • ûrêzayen Map: O10
  • Felaya
    • hazaj tollen Map: M10
  • Northern Bellakar
    • zimrenzil Map: M10
  • Mardruak
    • nykkea Map: M9
  • Sakal-An-Dalajaf
    • dûsalan Map: M9

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  • Saikan
    • ankruz
  • Arysis
    • maresh
  • Nurad
    • Nennûrhad Map: I17
  • Greater Khand
    • ammu khand Map: J17
  • Lower Khand
  • Upper Khand
    • kyzilkum
  • Lurmsakan
    • enmahadh
  • Pezarsan
    • korandaj
  • Chelkar
    • korb chelkar
  • Haruzan
    • amrûn / tirith amrûn Map: K13

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Unknown East

Khey Empire

    • Kael
      • Astôs Map: G28
    • Haen
      • Haenac Tatawer Map: E27
    • Rōlfandas
      • Rôlâlk Map: C29
    • Helcarth
      • Cuiviénen
        • Doors of Morning
        • Isle of Sunrises
        • Huge earthen ringwall around lake area
        • Church of Eru Ilùvatar Arda Heritage Historical Preservation site, fortifications being restored, large scale archeological works continue.
    • Khelka Sael
        • Tatamurilis Map: H27

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    • Wâw
      • Âlk Wâw Map: P26

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  • Possibly the greatest of the Ancient Dwarven Kingdoms

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Utter South

Thāni Hazād


  • Elorna
    • Fal Carth Map: T10
  • Mag/Tumag
    • Alyahopa Map: T12
  • Pel
    • Arpel Map: U10
  • Mirëdor
    • Ostelor Map: U9
  • Drel
    • Ro Mollo Map: T9

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Farthest North


  • Syrakar
    • Adea Hu
      • Syclax Map: D16

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  • Cities
    • Pûrepûrla Map: F20
    • Jedzka Map: E19
    • Rakiborzal, Sahangûnal Map: E20
    • Wezilinal, Zhilizal Map: E20

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  • Chimabrûkh Map:C20

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  • Oriz Map: E25
  • Zetta Map: E26

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(Q) Rómenóre

10ºN to 63°N, 55ºE to 80ºE

Near Isles

(Q) Tolli Belero

8ºN to 33°N, 40ºW to 51ºW

The Northlands

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/08/14 19:07 by eltan