Map: I28
The great Northern Imperial Timber Operation of the Free Imperia is always a bustle of activity. Selective foresting here, guided by an Elven ethic of preservation, still supplies much of the Empire with wood.
Outlying camps selectively cut, coppice, and reforest. Raw logs are sledged, carted, or barged to bring the timber to the great fort's seasoning sheds and milling works. Processed timber is assembled into shiploads.
Timber shipping is organized into protective squadrons or fleets at IN#38, and sent to the Sister Cities via the Eastern half of the Great Inland Waterway Initiative.
The misty Northern climate breeds hardy natives, who mostly welcome the trade and opportunity that the Free Imperia brings to the region. Pelts, amber, news of the Northlands, and other native trade goods find their way regularly to the WATC offices here.
Jammer and Wet-hull repairs are regularly undertaken here, as is construction of timber barges and merchant ships.
Regular supply runs travel over the Red Mountains to the archeological works on the possible site of the first Elven awakening at Church of Eru Arda Heritage Site CE#1.