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Imperial Timber Operation

Timber is ecologically harvested around the Gulf of the Firstborn, in the far Northeast of Endórë, and seasoned and pre-worked at Imperial Navy Fort IN#39 before being gathered into Southbound fleets.

Some gather at Imperial Navy Fort IN#38, sometimes picking up extra escorts at Imperial Navy Fort IN#37, along with merchant ships carrying furs and amber, the timber fleets proceed Southward along Endórë's East Coast to the Great Sylvanesti Bay.

Increasing numbers of timber fleets instead gather at the Westernmost embayment of the Gulf of the Firstborn, and travel via Skylock to Thane Smash's Faerun Dwarfhold of Argentum Capita, joining the Great Inland Waterway at its Northern end. They proceed in fleets down the Silver River to the White Eagle Kagonesti Tribe's nominal Capital of Wild Mountains on the Kagonesti Basin.

From here, whichever southing the timber fleets took, they proceed via the Inland Waterway at Semboch or New Silvan, onwards to Nexus Prime.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/11 19:16 by eltan