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Argentum Capita

Map: I26

On the Gulf of the Firstborn, the Great Inland Waterway Initiative begins with a short Skylock ride to Argentum Capita, Faerun Dwarfhold of Thane Smash. Increasing numbers of flotillas of barges from the Imperial Timber Operation pass through Argentum Capita on their way Southward towards the Kagonesti Basin and eventually Nexus Prime.

Built into the Red Mountains, in, around, and from the mountain caves from which the headwaters of the Silver River flow. The river is improved into a Skylock outside the mountain, and flows Southward, eventually emptying into to the Kagonesti Basin at the White Eagle Kagonesti nominal Capital of Wild Mountains.

Nominally under the Aegis of the Three Kings of the Dwarves, Faerun Dwarf culture concentrates here.

There is an active temple district with churches of Moradin, Gorm, and Dumathoin.

Mines, scouted via Earth Elementals, yield:

  • Silver, with a 1 in 10 chance that a new vein of silver could be mithril (checked once every 10 years of the settlement age)
  • Iron

Hops are farmed, and local beers are brewed. Primary exports include armor, weapons, defensive stonework shaped by anti-siege engineers, fine silverwork, and a considerable volume of raw silver.

A squad of 30 riflemen are stationed at each of two gates, with two more in the harbor. They support meelee troops, bringing total forces to 600.

Dwarven Alchemists make Smoke Powder, and weapon smiths are always tinkering with firearms. Baron Field Marshal Goenhog visits frequently to test new rifle improvements.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/12 22:20 by eltan