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Twinned Trees

Twinned Trees is the South Valley suburb capital of the Elflands, the conjoined Krynnic elven nation in Arda. All of the Krynnic tribes are vassals of King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine.

While many of the Silvenesti and Qualinesti under King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine have founded separate settlements to the East, they have placed their conjoined Capital around the Twinned Trees, a great pair of fey cherries, signifying Unity. The capital spreads through the forest on the Southeastern Bank of South Lake, extending Southward along the the Great Southern River(Q. Harduinë). On the West bank they Border with Duchy Eltán, and to the East they border with Duchy Stronghold.

  • Twinned Trees
  • Tower of High Magic - Order Magika
  • Temple of Paladine
  • Treeforts - this entire Northern Reach of the Elflands can be passed through as easily from tree to tree as on the ground - at least if you're an elf who lives there. They took to Eltán's tree fort plan like, well, like elves. They improved his Harnic designs in places and learned from them in others. They tactfully avoided telling him to teach his grandmother to suck eggs.
  • Small Port, Spelljammer and Wet Navy
  • Armory
  • Smithy

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/24 04:10 by eltan