Map: O24-O25
- Iron Ore, Tin Ore
The closest outpost to Tri-King Fortress, DK#3 is ruled by the Three Kings of the Dwarves, and populated primarily by Harnic Hill Dwarves, though they have very credible diggings and an excellent underground fortress.
It has a Temple of the Church of Eru Ilùvatar, with an interfaith wing with temples of
They trade some of their Tin to DK#2 for Agave, and make limited quantities of an excellent earthy Tequila. Orchards in the hills of the Lochas Drûs to the East provide them with several tasty brandies, and considerable trade with Baron Munchausen's folk to the North. River ships loaded with decorative wrought iron work, tequila, and brandy make their way between the branches of the Lōchas Drūs River to Barony Munchausen Outpost BM#1 and return loaded with alpaca fiber and fabric, and occasional black pearls.
The dwarves run a loom here, along with dye vats, tailoring shops, and cottage industry producing knit goods, in addition to importing some fabric. They do excellent weaving and finish work, in patterns more suited to their own culture than the work of Munchausen's folk. Much of the court garb and tapestry work for Tri-King Fortress is made here.