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Dragon Manor

Map: Q15

When Lord Gunthar uth Wistan first came to Lake Dûshera, he found kingfishers nearly identical to those of Krynn. Taking this as a good omen, he renamed it Kingfisher Lake, and fortified the great island into the Solamnic Monestary of Dragon Manor.

An inland fleet of lake and river craft is maintained here, with repair facilities, which regularly patrols Kingfisher Lake and the Koros River. There are guest quarters, however the island conducts business matters at Castle Sancrest to the North, so there are comparatively few visitors. Most living in the great fortified Monestary lead simple lives of prayer, contemplation, study, and training. Fish from the lake and some on island farming are supplemented with regular imports from Castle Sancrest's markets.

The Monestary's rose gardens are the finest on Arda, containing stock brought out of Krynn, as well as cultivars from distant regions of Arda and other crystal spheres. The Monestary also grows quite good peaches, and distills limited quantities of an excellent peach brandy.

Large portions of the Manor are indeed built to Dragon Scale, allowing the Solamnic Orders' beloved steeds and companions to enter in their own form and dwell comfortably within.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/12 14:26 by eltan