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Duchy St. Karlon

The original Duchy St. Karlon on Harn was lost to a gas attack during the fall, but Arch Duchess Damelia St. Karlon was rescued by Crom Thorson, Count Volsung and the Emperor, Aragithalas Sercenornorow Kanan.

She was given the rapidly growing port city on the South shore of Westlake, just outside the Western gates of Nexus Prime, which is now the City of St. Karlon, and she built several hamlets nearby. She is brave, fair minded, empathetic, and tremendously charismatic, and her people are tremendously loyal.

Along with steady immigration of farmers, craftsfolk, sailors, and laborers, a number of knights have sworn her fealty. All of her people work and train hard, and their cooperation with the Fortification Initiative has been peerless.

While Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán's military and Paurgiliath Peacekeepers from the South coordinate patrols with Prince Brendian Erendyl's bands of Odin's Folk from the North to keep her borders secure, the Duchy St. Karlon has worked up a competent light infantry to support her knights.

Despite her holding the Duchy in free socage to the Emperor for another five years, they are nearly ready to supply a full-time unit for Imperial service. She and her knights would be offended if they didn't ride in a campaign, and are usually found with the Imperial Knights as part of the Emperor's fighting tail.

As more units get better trained, they are considering building a settlement further out for the glory of the Duchess.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2024/02/29 14:43 by eltan