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Arch Duchess Damelia St. Karlon

Arch Duchess Damelia St. Karlon is an Imperial Judge.

She is the Founder of the port city of St. Karlon.

She is the founder of Church of Larani, Harnic Goddess of Chivalry, Valor, and the Reluctant Warrior on Arda.

Paladin(Noble) L9 LG Human

Arch Duchess Damelia St. Karlon's character sheet

She lost her own folk to a gas attack in the fall of Harn, however her personal empathy and projective empathy, as well as her fair and good hearted performance as an Imperial Judge, have won the hearts of many followers, as have her striking appearance with flaming red hair and golden plate armor. 

Character History

Hair: Extremely long golden with red highlights (thick and wavy) Eyes: Fire Opal

At 5 foot 11 inches and 193 lbs Damelia looks like an Amazon, which is appropriate since she is a worshipper of Larani. Being a Paladin, her body is in extremely good shape and full of muscles. She is well known for her strength and prowess as a warrior. However, this does not detract from her femininity, which she carries proudly. When one looks at her they think of a sleek, powerful cat. She has aged well and appears to be in her late twenties early thirties, although in reality she is approaching 40.

Damelia has incredibly beautiful hair. When not braided or put into a courtly coiffure (as often her duty commands) her hair flows down her back to her tailbone. It is the color of the golden sun with reddish fire streaks through and is thick with beautiful waves. Her eyes are very unusual and are oft times commented upon. They are the color of fire opals, ice blue with changing flecks of red, green and white run throughout. She has pale skin, high cheekbones, and sensual blood red lips, all set in a very beautiful oval face.

When in battle Damelia proudly wears her magical golden plate mail armor. On her head is a helm that is in the shape of an owl's head with wings spread toward the back. She carries a large shield with her personal arms upon it (a Hematite Pegasus destroying a hippogriffin ? which represents her destroying her brother). Her shift is made of silk and is ice blue, with trim of green, red and white, to match her eyes. Her breeches are made of fine doe skin (soft tan) and she wears dark blue boots. Often Damelia dresses very regally in the court styles of Teschen . She enjoys wearing beautiful dresses whenever possible.

On her finger is an impressive ring, one she never removes. It is two opal hearts one incased in fire, other incased in ice. This ring designates the wearer as a member of the royal family of Teschen .

In the same hand as that which sports her royal ring is her prized battle-axe. It is golden with intricate scrollwork carved into the blades and the handle is finely detailed. This axes is an incredible work of art, but there is no doubt of its power as a weapon. When held by Damelia, it gives off a glow that surrounds not only the axe, but Damelia's arm as well.

Magical Items:

Royal Ring of Teschen /Opal Ring Wearers/Sea Hag's Ring - A Platinum ring that has two opal hearts one encased in fire and one encased in ice (supposedly representing the struggle between good and evil). This ring used to be three different rings (1) the Royal Ring: Platinum with the two hearts encased in fire and ice. Can only be worn by a member of the Royal Family of Teschen . (2) an opal (not of extreme value, except to the chosen few known as the Opal Ring Wearers), and (3) the sea hag rings of water breathing/free action: plain gold band. Now it is a combination of each, retaining the abilities of water-breathing/free action and enchantment that only a member of the Royal Family can wear it.

Lawful Good Battle Axe (from Quest of Fire and Ice) +1, +3. This magical axe gives the wielder 18/00 strength while giving off a golden glow.

Amulet of Empathy this enchanted amulet allows the wearer to empathically sense the true intentions and drives of thinking creatures within 30 feet. The medallion reveals lust, jealousy and envy, hate, etc. as well as more obvious emotions such as anger, sadness and joy. It will also reveal those under the influence of a charm person/monster spell (although not suggestion or hypnosis). A common language is not necessary; this magical item will function on almost any thinking creature. Only one creature per round may be scanned and while a person may hate another it would not be apparent unless they are thinking of the target of their hate. As well, the medallion protects the emotions of its wearer to all creatures within 30. Because few creatures can control their true feelings, this amulet allows the wearer to prove her intentions regarding some action or event in this manner.

+2 Golden Plate Mail

+3 Wakazashi of the Planes

+1 Long Sword

+1 Short Sword ? From the Battle of the Valley of nine (see description below)

Golden Harp of Charming ? gives 25% to charm when played by one with proficient in harp.

Scarab of Protection ? 1 bonus to all saving throws vs. spell. If no save is normally possible, he gets a one in 20 chance of saving, adjusted by any other magical protections that normally give bonuses to saving throws. Thus, this device allows a saving throw vs. spell at base 20 against magic missile attacks. It can also absorb up to 12 level-draining attacks. However, upon absorbing 12 such attacks the scarab turns to powder-totally destroyed.


Damelia has a very strong sense of duty. Growing up as an heir to the kingdom of Teschen , it was strongly instilled in her from birth.

She believes in justice and protecting her people, even if it means giving up dreams, love and life itself. Her life belongs to the people of Teschen. Damelia posses a strong will and a calmness of mind and body. She is determined to keep Teschen safe. Her grandfather often told her, the king (or queen) is tied to the land and his people are tied to the land. Therefore the king is tied to the people. To be an excellent ruler one needs fairness, calmness and goodness. She believes strongly in what her grandfather said.

Damelia would have done anything for the people of Teschen. She wishes only the best for them and loves them dearly. As such, she truly believes that to be a good ruler, one needs empathy and the ability to be a balanced and fair judge. Her motto is It is far better to be loved than feared. However, like her good friend, Moorak Drake, she knows that fear and intimidation can be very useful and uses them when necessary. Those who see her, and are not intimate friends, think of her as regal, distant and unapproachable, however their estimation of her would be a bit off. While it is true that due to her station in life she has often times kept herself at arm's length to those she does not know, she is a very friendly person. Damelia wishes more people could see her private self and truly understand her, but realizes that this is unrealistic. She is royalty as well as a hero, and as such must keep her private and public life separate.

Damelia views people as Moorak does, according to their level of power and ability to defend themselves. She admires Moorak. Her favorite quote of his is “With great power comes even greater responsibility.”

Damelia considers being seen as a “protector” of Teschen as the greatest honor. Yet it is commonly known that she will do what is right and necessary to protect those who need her protection, whether from Teschen or not. She will always fight the Good cause. As a Paladin, and champion of Good, it is her duty not only to protect those who are good, but also destroy evil whenever possible. She strongly believes that evil must be dealt with swiftly and without fear for one's life. She has never shirked from this responsibility…

Thus her need to align with the free Imperia

Although Damelia is a staunch Paladin, she refuses to be a stupid one. If possible, she observes or uses diplomacy in a situation before choosing battle. “When one takes the time to observe, or attempt to determine the intent of others, it can often times make the difference between life and death; not just your own but innocent people as well. She says with a smile. “Be lenient with your judgment until you know the facts, if at all possible. It is better to read the book before deciding it unworthy. Few things are as they appear.” She sobers here and adds “However, I would add that those who are evil and powerful do not have the ability or wiliness to change their ways. They frequently attack and kill without rhyme or reason and should be destroyed. I would suggest always knowing the orientation (i.e.: alignment) of those you deal with, friends and foes alike.”

Damelia understands that without evil people would not know good, but that doesn't mean that she will stand by and let evil invade her world! When the gods tech wars began she knew it was time for her to move. However during her push to move the peoples of Teschen, she was betrayed by her cousin and was forced out of the duchy at a critical time. It was to her personal luck for the castle was attacked by air and tons of chlorine gas was dropped upon the peoples of magic by the peoples of tech. She was not there that day to see the carnage, but her cousin used her again as a scapegoat and put a price on her head.

She knew the wars would rage on Harn and prayed to her goddess. She was guided to the portals… The portals opened by the one known as Bif Riprock… She was alone, but Aragorn Bloodrunner of the Wild Elves of Harn, their great Chieftain and leader of many kings treated her with respect and always refered to her by her title even though she had told him of her shame. She prayed to Larani, and knew Aragorn was a goodly elf with noble intentions. Larani had guided her to these people for a reason… So she followed them to Arda.

Goals: It is Damelia's hope that the world Harn will remember her as a fair, loving ruler who gave everything she could to make her country better. Her main goal is to restore a Teschen to its former greatness upon this new world. This means helping any of the people of Teschen or Harn to rebuild their country after the devastation of the Rebellion, gods tech wars, and the magic wars… She never wants to look into the eyes of her countrymen's children and see the deep pool of fear she has seen in them in recent years. It is time Teschen knew happiness again. Her next goal is to have the worship of Larani be a well spread and accepted faith in Teschen , along side of Angellus. It is her hopes and dreams to see Larani loved by Teschen as much as she loves Larani.

Damelia desires a family. She would love to have children, not only to carry on the line, but also because she feels children bring joy.

While she would prefer to marry for love, duty requires her to marry within her station. This has limited her choices greatly. So she has decided to find a husband who will help her do her duty. It is not necessary for her to be in love with him, however she must respect him and be friends with him. Even though her choices are limited, she will not marry someone she cannot respect or like. She has learned to respect many of the peoples around her… they are a martial people fighting against evil where ever they go. She has vowed fidelity to the Empire and to the Emperor and her sword arm is always available to smite evil.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2022/09/21 18:53 (external edit)