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East Harbor

East Harbor is a naturally sheltered bay through which Orróduinë, the East River, empties into the Dargonesti Sound.

IN#1, the first Free Imperia Navy fort guards the mouth of the East River where it enters the harbor.

The mouth of the harbor onto the Dargonesti Sound is protected by Free Imperia Navy forts IN#3 and IN#4.

Trade Fortress, on the North shore, was founded by King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine, and is a major port city of the Kingdom of the Elflands.

The East Harbor Shipyard, officially Free Imperia Navy Yard IN#23, is on the West shore between the East River and the Jojojopo River.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2022/11/27 21:48 by eltan