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Iron Fist

Iron Fist - Map: Q16

The Spice Streets - ethnography, flora, fauna

tin ore vein, iron ore vein

Founded and ruled by the Three Kings of the Dwarves

Iron Fist is a mostly Harnic Dwarf fortress, though those of Krynnic, Faerun, native or other stock are welcome. It is the greatest armory of the dwarfholds, crafting weapons and armor not only for their own folk, but for the Solamnic Orders, and some for Cormach and Rocha's folk as well.

It has a Temple of the Church of Eru Ilùvatar. With its typical interfaith cooperation, this includes a wing with shrines of:

They operate a Lock-tanker shuttle between watersheds on either side of the Yellow Mountains, adding river traffic to an ancient trade route, connecting Isra and the Highland Lake region of Gan.

They breed the local Water Buffalo for food, milk, transportation, and use them on treadmills and turnstiles to power their machinery. They harvest local herbs, and are renowned for their healing lore. In particular, a moss which only grows on a local shrub is sovereign against many illnesses, but loses all value when no longer fresh, becoming toxic. A local river tuber, mashed into a poultice, speeds the healing of muscle and bone injuries. They ferment sugarcane, often with a local star-shaped flower with stimulant properties.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/13 22:50 by eltan