F(Cav) L14 LG Human
King Cormach's character sheet
A human king in the The Free Imperia. Ruler of the Free Kingdom of Harnia, spreading from the Dargonesti Sound through Lochas Drûs.
Founder of Cormachia, his South Valley capital.
Founder of Harnia, his main port on the Dargonesti Sound.
Founder of Haven, on the Western flank of the Tri-King Mountains
Founder of Kesh, his Southern Ocean Port
Some of King Cormach's important vassals and followers include:
Royal Guard
Venusian Hussars
Taltars Dragoons
1st Azorian Foot
Azorian Auxiliaries
Athockian Auxiliaries
23rd Nubian Foot
10th Archer Group
Datals Scouts
6th Archer Group
16th Spear
16th Foot
17th Foot
4th Pike
5th Foot