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Odin's Folk Outpost OF#6

Map: G20

The outpost on the Talathrant River is built hard on the southern bank, some 300 miles upstream from the river mouth on the Sea of Illuin. To the North, the excellent farmland tapers out into hardscrabble karst hills.

Pumpkins and melons grow well near the river, as do apples, corn, tomatoes and root vegetables. Sheep and goats are herded to the north, along with horses of some distinction. Kine wander wild, but are also domesticated and bred with other strains of oxen. Cider, applejack, and whiskey are made here, though only the applejack has received much recognition outside the region.

Trade on the river must sail under the fortifications, and spreads the reputation of Odin's Folk and the Free Imperia. An open river market leads many vessels to stop and trade for the strange goods the Free Imperia makes available. Native farmers and rivercraft run for the outpost in times of trouble as a strong shelter run by fair-minded folk.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/12 18:21 by eltan