Fort Wistan - Map: Q18
Fort Wistan protects the Ivory Peninsula and the lakes of the Gan Highlands. Domestcated Mûmak and Buffalo are bred here, as are a domesticated strain of the native wild boar. Tigers are common in the forests, and herds of antelope and zebras wander amonst the Gan Lakes.
The scattered peaceful native villages carve prayer wheels and tops, apparently practicing a syncretic flavor of something like the Way. They greet eachother by extending their tongues, and are fond of cast bronze bells and hide drums. Women sometimes wear extended metal fingernail covers, decorating them as extravagantly as finances permit.
While no great mines have been dug, natural jade dots the streams, and low grade corundum is not uncommon. Good tea is grown here, along with sugarcane, and many different pelts and tusks are also staples of trade with the Dwarves to the NW and the settlements around the Bight of Exile. Better than passable rum and gin are made here, often flavored with rare highland herbs and berries.