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Imperial Military Base IM#1

Map: N21

A very large fort about 120 miles NNE of the Sister Cities, guarding the Northern bend of the Orróduinë, or East River. A considerable body of Imperial and Vassal troops are regularly rotated through garrison duty at IM#1. It also serves as the main site of civilization between the Sister Cities and East Harbor on the Dargonesti Sound. It is the common point for Odin's Folk to arrive from or split to the North from the River Road, on the long route North to Rhûn then West to Vestrhelm and Rohan. There is a rowdy frontier culture of travelers, river boat captains and crews, merchants, and various military personnel. The predictable luxuries that this attracts make it a popular posting.

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/12 15:34 by eltan