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Map: G14-G15

Vestrhelm is a strongly fortified settlement on the SW point of the Great Sea of Rhûn, primarily of Asatru Rohirrim, particularly Church of Odin worshipers. They have a particular friendship with their coreligionists, the Elves of Rock Home, whom Prince Brendian Erendyl brought from Alfheim to the Free Imperia. A mixture of both peoples is generally found at either settlement.

They are also aligned with Aldburg and the King of Rohan. They have hailed Crom Thorson, Count Volsung as their lord, though he seldom visits. The 'high' seat (of ordinary height) to the left of the Jarl's at the dias is kept empty for him, and his tiger lives here. The courts of Rohan also keep a seat for him. He has a secret cave retreat accessed by a crack in the top of a nearby mountain.

The Jarl of Vestrhelm administrates the city in his absence, his own seat placed on the second step of Crom's dias. The Harbor-Thegn is the best onetime apprentice of the Harbor-Jarl of OF#2, and sizable longships are built to sail the great inland sea of Rhûn.

Vestrhelm has perhaps the best horse breeding program outside of Rohan itself, mingling the Mearas line with desert horses from the Uttermost South and the steppe ponies of the nomads of Palisor.

They also have herds of goats, sheep, and cattle, usually watched over by the youths of the settlement. Fishing on the Great Sea of Rhûn is good, and the locals are particularly fond of freshwater eels, often baked into pies or jellied.

It is good grape country, and many beehives are kept; several excellent wines and meads are made here, and they distill excellent brandy. Orchards and rich gardens abound here. In addition to horses, sheep, cattle, goats and pigs are herded, and smoked sausages and salt meat are prepared in great volume. While they do not grow grain themselves, they trade for it, and they import a not insignificant quantity of Huan's Hefeweizen from the Peacekeepers, and of the Kingfisher Brewery's beers from the Solamnic Orders.

Regular migration and caravans pass through, both on the shorter trek to Rohan, and setting off on the long Eastern route around Mordor and Khey Sart before cutting South toward Nexus Prime.

Unit Types

Vestrhelm Berserkers

Austrlord Horsemen - well equipped cavalry on the famous horses of Rohan.

Vestrguard - Scale armor, shield and spear

Veteran Spear - Scale armor, shield and spear

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/13 03:27 by eltan