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New Solamnia

South Valley capital of Solamnia, under Lord Gunthar uth Wistan. Administration is through the council of knights of the Solamnic Orders

  • Built on the Northeastern point of Southlake, the improved lake at the headwaters of the Great Southern River(Q. Harduinë), it now houses a few military units and most of the non combatants that came with the Solamnic Orders. Now that the region around the city has been largely pacified, the Solamnic Knights have gone on to found a mega-fortress and outposts further from the Capital.
  • Grand Citadel
  • High Cleric's Tower
  • Castle
  • Imperial Steel Smelting Operation
  • Forge
  • Armory
  • Stable
  • Solamnic Memorial Tomb
  • Temple of Paladine
  • Temple of Mishakal
  • Temple to the High God (Their name for Eru Ilùvatar)

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/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2024/02/29 14:38 by eltan