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Black Rock

The capital of Prince Brendian Erendyl on Arda, and nominal capital of Odin's Folk, Black Rock is one of the two great cities of Westmark. A fortress city on the North Shore of Westlake, an improved lake at the head of the Orróduinë, or East River, a navigable river that goes North then bends back far to the East. It is primarily a settlement of Norse worshiping Elves from Alfheim under Prince Brendian Erendyl, originally of Mystara, and Norse Worshiping Rohirrim from Vestrhelm who moved to the area.

  • SpellJammer and Wet Navy port - minimal repair facilities
  • Significant Fortification
  • Hall of Odin
  • Barracks
  • Armory
  • Smithing Complex
  • Warehousing

Places on Arda Main Page

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/08/14 15:40 by eltan