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Church of Aslan

The primary temple of the Church of Aslan on Arda is in Nexus Prime.

Aslan's is the largest religion in the The Free Imperia


Aslan, the talking Lion created by C.S. Lewis for his Narnia books, is the Son of the Emperor Over the Water.

The Everything - Aslan, Eru, Lancelot and Santa Claus raw - compiled by the Emperor.

Knightly and Monastic Orders of Aslan raw - compiled by the Emperor.

Most clergy on Arda accept that the Emperor over the Water is Eru. The two churches have a close relationship, often sharing interfaith facilities, but maintaining separate hierarchies.

Outside Sources

Wikipedia on Aslan

Narnia Fandom on Aslan


Doq'tor S. Kane - High Pope of Aslan on Arda

Pixie Demigod - Cleric L12 CN Pixie - is a Cleric of Aslan

Lady Snodgrass is a Paladin of Aslan, who specialized in hunting the undead of Narnia.

Laerios'nniolalas - C(Pacifist Priestess)L13 N Drow - is a Priestess of Aslan.

The temple orphanage is run by talking geese from Narnia.

Mice from Narnia, entertainingly calling themselves the 'Churchmice', are responsible for managing the day to day affairs of the Church of Aslan on Arda.

Dogma and Clergy


Rampant Lion; lions head with a sun mane; Sun Cross with 7 pointed Star.

Home Plane:

Aslan's Country, “Over-the-Sea,” Undying Lands: No one really knows where the Everything resides or what the term over-the-sea really means but Aslan refers to it as his gateway to his Father, the Emperor-Over-the-Sea. Aslan is somewhat divided between the prime material and his spiritual home. Aslan is said to have nine names but not all of them are given at any one time.

There is always a separation between Aslan and his followers, no matter how strong his bond is to them. He is not like them—he is a deity, and he has tremendous responsibility on his shoulders. Sometimes even during times of happiness and celebration, he would rather take a back seat and observe. He is content enough to know that his people are happy, and often chooses solitude for himself. He comes and goes as he pleases and as he is needed, disappearing for great lengths of time. Aslan can inspire love and devotion from all that know him.

There are several very rare manuscripts that also make reference to an Emperor-Over-The-Sea, whose son Aslan is said to be a conduit to mortals. The Emperor-over-the-Sea is also linked to the Elven word for the Father of All; Eru Ilúvatar of Middle-earth, in His separation from His creation, or considerable the equivalent to the Father of all. Aslan is a mystery to many—he is the “Son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea,” but other than that, little is known of him. Aslan’s Song is the first thing to come into being in that world, and his song creates the land and sky and sea. He breathes life into this world, creating living plants and animals. Aslan is said to be one of the oldest real deities, present at the birth of the material plane. He is simultaneously a deity of Justice in the mould of Forgotten Realms' Tyr, a deity of nature who cares for the wild through servants like Silvanus and a deity of celebration and Known as Nobanion on Toril. Aslan is the patron of many a race and creed and talking beasts in particular. He values and celebrates all life, but would unhesitatingly sacrifice his own for the cause of good or divine law. Aslan is the creator of all; his song gave life to the void. He has the power to bestow gifts upon other gods, such as giving powers to the Valor. Aslan is known to appear and disappear as he is needed, and he is, to some extent, an omnipresent being through the Father. Being an everlasting aspect of the creator “Son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea,” there are heavy implications that Aslan is, in known on many planes as the messianic incarnation of the Father of all. Above all else, Aslan is loving and merciful. But he is also fiercely protective of those he holds dear. When he is needed, he will fight to protect them. He has lead Narnia in battle on more than one occasion and become the sacrifice for those on other worlds. When he does materialize, his sheer size and strength are his favored tools, and woe to anyone who falls on the business end of his powerful jaws, however with his special relationship with others one would be more likely to find Oden, Thor, Corellon Larethian or any other deity of good that will take up Aslan’s cause depending on the situation. The Valar will protect him at all costs and although unseen, will never be too far. Many times, a planets Great Hierophant will come to Aslan’s aide before allowing Aslan himself to become involved, but if a situation warrants it, Aslan will vanquish evil.    Many clerics evoke the words of Aslan when they too have to fight, “For this purpose the Son of the All was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the evil ones!”

Aslan appears as an adult male barbary lion in the prime of life. He is said to be able to change size, ranging from the size of an ordinary lion up to the size of the largest bull African elephant. It is suggested that Aslan's shapeshifting abilities may go far beyond that but he chooses to remain a lion. Aslan enjoys watching his people dance and sing in times of peace and prosperity. Nothing fills Aslan with more joy than to see someone turn from wicked ways, when all is peaceful, there’s nothing a lion enjoys more than dozing in the sun. He doesn’t usually explain himself to others, and many feel left in the dark.   

The origins of the name Nobanion and the reasoning for Aslan showing himself on more worlds still remain a mystery. Some stories tell that he along with the Ainur sung the world into being, he selects several beasts and grants them the power of speech so that they may act as Guardians of the Beasts. His nine names can be invoked only by those with faith and sis name passes through many legends and eventually reaches all spheres and planes.    A few centuries ago Aslan known as Nobanion there, appeared in the Forgotten Realms as an “interloper” deity.  He was responsible for driving most of Malar's worshipers out of the Vilhon Reach, and the Black-Blooded Pard has sworn vengeance on Nobanion. He is now known as Nobanion beginning to find followers elsewhere in the multiverse.     

Recently, events have sealed The Aebirlands and the Hunting Grounds from Narnia, meaning part of the Pridelands is now inaccessible, even to Nobanion. This has caused Nobanion to become very concerned and he is moving to investigate. His attention was in the Narnia area when the rest was cut off. Though Aslan hasn’t recognize this yet, this was done by the unsealing a forgotten horror.

Known likes:

Divine law, unconditional love, friends and family, courage, laughter

Known dislikes:

Vile acts, hatred, uncaring attitudes, cowardice

Clergy and Temples:

Aslan has a myriad of formal and informal clergy or temples, holy places are often natural grottos and anywhere where his worshipers often gather to honor his Father’s song. Enemies often regard these places as haunted. Some who hear the calling of Aslan may never grace the walls of a temple as they are chosen for specific lifelong missions.


Aslan's chief ally and superior in the Narnian pantheon is the Emperor over the Sea. While he will readily ally with others if it suits his goals, and will aid, comfort or encourage even evil creatures with a touch of good left in them, he is not the most reliable ally. He can be counted on to always keep his word and always fight for good, but is otherwise not predictable. Although Aslan has had awareness in all the planes; he is beginning to make his presence known and find followers elsewhere in the multiverse.     


This deity is lawful good. The priests may be any sort of good alignment. The flock may be of any good neutral alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores:

Wisdom 10. Wisdom 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed:

All.   Nonweapon and Weapon Proficiencies:




Reading/Writing, Ancient History.

Weapon Proficiencies Required:


Duties of the Priest:

Guidance, Marriage, Healing Births and Funerals. Missions of education in populations which don't belief in the Father of All supremacy. Vigilance against evil and decadence.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions:

Standard Cleric   Other Limitations:

Priests of the God of Everything must wear a priestly vestment whenever they appear in public.

Spheres of Influence:

All major and minor are available from the Everything through Aslan; however clerics are limited to six major and six minor spheres like all ther clerics. Aslan will taylor the spheres of a cleric of paladin to his/her personality.

Granted Powers: 

Calendar Ceremonies:

Expressions of Faith:




Clerics of The Father of All do not actively proselytize and thus Aslan bans proselytism “through force or inducement” out of the belief that each person has a fundamental right to practice their religion freely. Although clerics will freely share their faith with others, offending other religions is against the tenets of a cleric of Ilúvatar because all the lesser gods serve him weather they know this or not.   

Aslan unlike other powers does not seem to need followers for his power and most clerics that meet people whom want to become clerics must be turned away at least three times before finally accepted.   

However, The One and Aslan do accept willing converts whom hear their song. Clerics of Aslan often quote the words of the deity “You did not choose me, but I chose you.” and “Those Father of all predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he will also glorify in Alsan’s name.”


To demonstrate his devotion, the cleric or paladin is obliged to display the symbol of his faith on his shield, armor, or banner. He may also wear a piece of jewelry, such as a ring or pendant, inscribed with the symbol.


To the One, pilgrimages are all unnecessary.    Aslan’s opinion is that pilgrimages to a temple, saint's tomb, mountain peak, cemetery, or other sacred location are all but traditions of man. There are said to be great temples with ancient libraries of great importance such as one rumored to be on Cynosure, that clerics may want to visit however.


Clerics may be expected to perform a variety of military, ceremonial, and household duties. Clerics of All are expected to defend their faith against the forces of evil. As a minimum, one can expect the clerics to protect churches, monasteries, temples, holy grottos, and innocent creatures from evil attacks, and at times might also seek out and destroy all evil characters and creatures.

While this faith accepts the standard definition some define evil more narrowly. This church does not condemn any particular religion as blasphemous. The faith of All believes that all faiths serve the One in various limited ways.    Natural beliefs are a great part of the Everything and clerics of Alsan are at ease with druids, although they believe this is just a small aspect of the Father.   

Other religions that focus on the workers of the Ilúvatar are but immature or misguided focus, however since the father of All grants clerical powers to these religions they consider all good religions allies. Certain gods such as Thoth the Architect of the Universe was given special knowledge and abilities to do the Mother of Alls work and thus his is given great respect by the clerics of the All. Conversely, clerics of the All may tolerate evil as long as it is not actively hurting others, as decided by the individual cleric.


Cleric's of Aslan are generally granted extraordinary healing powers and valued not only for their practical applications, but also for their sacred implications. Each healing may be a holy sacrament, proof of the deity's compassion. Clerics must do their best to end any suffering that may find. Generally they will heal and educate local practitioners on how to take care of any sick they find. This is refered to in their order as teaching others how to “fish.” These gentle clerics are also obliged to assist at the beginning and end of life. During the delivery of a child, cleric's of the Everything uses soothing words comfort the mother while his touch blesses the new baby with good health. When a high-ranking priest or important member of the congregation nears death, the cleric remains at his bedside, acting as a symbolic escort into the next world.


Some behavioral edicts persist merely as tradition, their meaning no longer understood:

Eru Ilúvatar / Aslan Granted Powers:

*Soothing Word, often in the form of a soft song, able to remove fear and influence hostile reactions (Peace, Mercy, Healing). (1x p/d). *Turn Undead (3x p/d)



This article is a Stub for Kane to expand