Theros Ironfeld

Theros Ironfeld is a smith for the Solamnic Orders, in service to Arch Duke Wings.

Blacksmith L5 NG Human

Theros Ironfeld's character sheet


Creating special golem/warforged with Mica "Wiley" of the Nine to wield the Rod of Seven Parts

Character History

Theros Ironfeld (316 AC - ?), also known as Theros of the Silver Arm, was born the son of a fisherman in Nordmaar. Some time before his tenth birthday, Theros's mother died and his father blamed Theros for her death. Theros had the habit of disobeying his father because of this. So when Minotaurs came to his fishing village, he jumped at the opportunity to leave. In his teenage years, Theros had curly hair and was clean-shaven, with large hands and big arms. When Theros is in his late twenties, he stands taller than most men with massive arms, muscles that ripple, and a chest as big around as an enormous water barrel. He received a bad scar on his leg from his forge burning down in Sanction. Early Life In the year 326 AC, minotaurs raided Theros's small fishing village when the men were all out fishing. Theros had decided that life in the village wasn't for him, and when the minotaurs took slaves, he voluntarily enslaved himself with the minotaurs. The minotaurs took him on board their ship the Blatvos Kemas, which was captained by Captain Kavas, to work as a slave in the kitchen as a cook's assistant and to take care of the other minotaur warriors. Theros showed his loyalty to the minotaurs when a Human guard from his village tried to assassinate Kavas. Theros alerted him to the danger and saved his life. The minotaur god Sargas comes to Theros after his display of honor. Theros takes up the worship of Sargas, and his new god tells him that he will come to Theros three times. Theros puts effort into being a slave, and at one point, he assists a minotaur in sharpening blades when he ran out of work. The minotaurs give him increasing responsibility with weapons.

Third Minotaur Army A member of the Supreme Circle won Theros in 334 AC, in Theros's 18th year. He was put into service with the Third Minotaur Army working for Perjaf. Hran found Theros working for Perjaf, and traded for ownership of Theros to assist him in his smithy. Theros learned quickly during his time with Hran, doing leatherwork and the creation of minor steel items such as arrowheads. During a failed attack on Silvanesti, elven cavalry attacked the rear of the army. Hran was killed by elves and Theros was alone. Theros saved a minotaur officer named Huluk Hrolk from the elves. For this, Huluk frees Theros from slavery and gives him a coin that adds him to Huluk's clan. Theros returned with Huluk to the minotaur capital of Lacynos, and he goes to find Hran's brother Hrall to inform him of his demise. Apprenticeship Theros found Hrall working on steel items. When Theros saw that Hrall hadn't seen him, Theros started working on things in Hrall's shop. After Hrall was completed with what he was working on, they both agreed to an apprenticeship so Theros could learn more of weapon-craft. For two years, Theros stayed with Hrall, learning the trade of making superior swords and other weapons. He attained the rank of master smith, and then decided to go out into the world on his own, starting in the city of Sanction in 336 AC. Master Smith For the next seven years, Theros gains a thriving business in Sanction. He acquires a reputation for creating strong, dependable weapons for the people of the city. During this time, Theros takes the last name of Ironfeld to better promote his business. He also takes a lover who was a barmaid by the name of Marissa. In 342 AC, Dargon Moorgoth wanted Theros to join up with his army and would pay him well for doing so. Dargon was angered when Theros rejected the offer, so he had a Black Robed Wizard enchant a sword such that when Theros thrust it into his fire, little dragons came out and burned down his forge, leaving Theros with nothing. Theros then agrees to join Moorgoth's Raiders in exchange for 1000 steel, two percent of the take, and one gem worth one hundred gold a month. Theros had to leave his girl Marissa behind in Sanction and would be back for her. Eventually, Theros got sick of the slaughter done by Moorgoth's men. He allowed his apprentice Yuri to get away with a girl named Telera, the daughter of a Knight of Solamnia that Moorgoth killed. Theros then runs out on the Raiders, and they put a death warrant out on him. Theros returns to Sanction for Marissa, but finds out that since she slighted Moorgoth, he had her killed. Theros was captured by another raider named Yagath, who threatened to turn him into Moorgoth unless he worked for him. For the next five years, Theros works on making weapons for Yagath before Yagath is killed by an elven sharpshooter. Then Clan Brekthrek threatens to turn in Theros, so for another two years Theros has to work for these hobgoblins making them superior weapons. He gets to leave and moves to Sanction. War of the Lance In 350 AC, a Qualinesti Elf by the name of Gilthanas Solostaran comes to Theros in Solace to ask for assistance. The elves of Qualinesti are leaving their lands and need ships built. Theros agrees to go with to assist the elves in leaving, and gains a friend in Koromer Vlusaj, who was a shipwright from Northern Ergoth. While in the nation, Theros gets his own personal bodyguard named Hirinthas, who was there for his 'protection'. After a year of assisting the elves, Theros ends back in Solace, only to see things going horribly wrong there. Theros was hired by Toede to create weapons for his troops, and Theros created flaws in the blades. Theros also assists in helping elves escape from the city, so that Toede's people wouldn't take them to be killed. Eventually, the Red Dragon Army attacks the city, and Theros sees Uwel Lors, who Theros had a personal grudge against for Uwel being so evil. Theros punched him in the face, killing him in one hit, then threw the body into a fire. Shortly after that, Theros runs afoul of Toede's troops, who end up being Draconians, and tried to fight them without any weapons. His right arm was severed just below the right shoulder, and he is thrown into a slave wagon with the Companions. Goldmoon healed Theros, and he was again visited by Sargas in a dream. Sargas released Theros to choose a new god, and Theros chose Mishakal. Theros also found out that his mother was a follower of Mishakal, and that her spirit resides in the goddess' hall. Theros then searches out a destroyed temple near Qualinost, and there defeated the Gray Wraith somehow and gained the Silver Arm of Ergoth. After he gained this, he made his way to Southern Ergoth, and lived in the Qualinesti city of Qualin-Mori. While there, Theros travels with the Kagonesti Elves gaining the name Kargai Sargaron, and learns elvish. Eventually, Theros meets up with the Companions again when they come to Southern Ergoth, and assists them in escaping by traveling with them to the Silver Dragon Mountain. Theros learns the secret of creating Dragonlances so the forces of good can use them against the Dragonarmies.

During the end of the War of the Lance, Theros travels to the Isle of Sancrist, uses a dragonlance to sunder the Whitestone, and introduces the power of the lance to the Knights of Solamnia and the rest of the Council of Whitestone. Theros served throughout the war and during the retreat into Arda. He remembered Aragorn for his service during Pax Therakus and his unicorn named after that place. He currently serves in Nexus Prime as one of the jack of all trades smiths. He is often called upon by Solamnic Knights to make their armour and he is the only person who can make a dragonlance. Inconsistencies Some people think that Theros needed the Hammer of Kharas in order to forge the dragonlances. He was able to forge dragonlances without the hammer, though it is unknown whether this was due to Theros's superior skills or the Silver Arm of Ergoth The Silver Arm of Ergoth was the legendary artifact that was created during the Third Dragon War. This arms creation has been the source of much controversy, as two different stories exist. In one story the arm was created by the combined effort of humans, elves, dwarves, and the metallic dragons, while in the other story the arm was created by a mysterious smith. Both stories do continue on to explain that during the Third Dragon War the arm was used to construct a Dragonlance. To construct a dragonlance the bearer of the arm needed with the Hammer of Kharas and pure dragonmetal. The arm itself resembled a human arm from the shoulder blade down to the hand and could magically shift to become either a right or left arm. The arm contained the ability to heal wounds or regenerate lost limbs. The Silver Arm of Ergoth was used originally in the Third Dragon War by dwarven smith Duncan Ironweaver. Ironweaver used the arm to construct the original dragonlances and this is the first recorded use of the arm. The second know use of the arm occurred during the War of the Lance by blacksmith Theros Ironfeld. He used the arm to construct the dragonlances needed to combat the forces of evil. The Silver Arm of Ergoth was created during the Age of Dreams by an alliance of good dragons, humans, elves, and dwarves. In order to function, the Silver Arm of Ergoth must be placed against the right shoulder of a human whose right arm has been severed. If the character has a Strength of 17+ and is of a good alignment, the arm grafts to his shoulder, and thereafter acts as a normal arm for all common activity. The wearer of the Silver Arm of Ergoth heals 1 point of damage per level every hour rather than every day (this canot be raised with the heal skill). Subdual damage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per level every five minutes. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part after the Silver Arm of Ergoth is grafted to his body, he regenerates it like the spell. If the owner of the Silver Arm of Ergoth possesses the Craft (weaponsmithing) skill, he gains use of the Craft Arms and Armour feat, and is able to forge silvery dragon-metal into Dragonlances of superior quality. Only with the Hammer of Kharas, the Silver Arm of Ergoth, and pure dragon-metal can perfect Dragonlances be forged. The Silver Arm was given to the blacksmith Theros Ironfeld after the burning of Solace. It should be noted that Theros Ironfeld was a blacksmith of such high caliber that he was able to create the dragonlances with only the help of the Silver Arm and not the Hammer of Kharas. Hammer of Kharas According to the legend, this mighty artifact is the only hammer that can be used to properly forge a dragonlance. It was once given to the dwarven hero Kharas by the dwarves of Kayolin in recognition for his heroic deeds prior to the Cataclysm, and was lost after the Dwarfgate War. The Hammer of Kharas is twice the size of a normal warhammer. It is said that the dwarf who possesses the hammer will become the king of Thorbardin. Only those of inherent good can weild it and then the hammer still controls the person more than the person controls the hammer. The hammer of Kharas functions as a +2 dwarven warhammer of disruption; any undead creature struck by the hammer must succeed as a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be destroyed. The Hammer of Kharas is an intelligent artifact, with Intelligence 11, Wisdom 20, and Charisma 19; it is neutral good in alignment. The Hammer of Kharas possesses the following special abilities, used at 20th level of ability unless note otherwise: - Bull's Strength on wielder, 1/day - Cure Serious Wounds 1/day - Detect Evil at will -Globe of Invulnerability on wielder - Prayer 1/day - Protection from Arrows on wielder - Turn Undead as a 12th-level cleric - Wielder is immune to normal and magical fear

The Hammer of Kharas pursues the special purpose of preserving the security of the dwarven race and furthering the cause of good. The Hammer of Kharas possesses Ego 30, and the special purpose power to use Enthrall on all dwarves within 300 ft. at will. Hammer of Kharas: This +2 disruption large warhammer is intelligent (Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 20, ego 24), and can communicate via speech or telepathy. It has the following primary abilities: detect evil at will, wielder is immune to fear effects, wielder gains a +4 bonus to all saving throws against spells. It has the following extraordinary powers: bullís strength (on wielder) 1/day, heal (on wielder) 1/day, prayer 1/day, protection from arrows 1/day. The hammer decides when to use any of its primary or extraordinary abilities. The hammerís goals are to preserve the security of the dwarven race and to further the cause of good on Krynn. All dwarves immediately recognize the hammer of Kharas from tales and legends, and its wielder gains a +8 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks against dwarves. The hammer has one unusual property regarding the creation of dragonlances:the wielder of the hammer can forge dragonlances (lesser or greater) without the necessary item creation feats or spell prerequisites. The wielder must still expend gp and XP as normal to create the item. Caster Level: 12; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, detect evil, heal, prayer, protection from arrows, remove fear, resistance, creator must be 12th level; Market Price: 172,312 gp; Cost to Create: 86,312 gp + 6,880 XP.