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Captain Silvereye Rin'ron'nniallelas

Captain Silvereye Rin'ron'nniallelas is the Neutral (with Good Tendencies) Drow Captain of the Moonslayer, an Arrowing class Independent Vessel operating near the Spidermoon.

Her nemesis, who took her eye, and the father of her lost child, is her childhood companion Kendar, an Evil Drow.

F/Th L5/4 N(G) Drow Elf

Captain Silvereye's character sheet

Character History

Standing 5'4“ tall, Captain Silvereye is a stunningly beautiful dark elf, and one that long ago abandoned the ways of her kin.

Gaining her name from her single silver iris—the other put out by another drow almost as long ago as Vera abandoned their evil ways—She is beginning to gain a reputation amongst the stars as the diva captain of the Moonslayer, her arrowing class vessel. Collecting the few other drow in the system who have turned to the ways of good, Captain Silvereye and her fellow Ellistrae worshippers ply the space-lanes protecting innocent traders and dealing with the spider moon threat in every possible way.

Captain Silvereye is a level 4 fighter, level 5 rogue, and level 2 stellar corsair (polyhedron magazine issue #151), for a total character level of 11. Her trademark weapons are a cutlass, with a small cutlass in her off hand, and a pair of spitterguns. In combat she can be seen swinging and fighting from the rigging across her ship, or that of her enemies. The Moonslayer has been customized somewhat, loosing two points of hardiness but having its movement to good from the increased rigging. Vera is a kind woman, but with a fiery temper for injustice and evil.

Her nemesis, Kendar, is a male drow whom she actually grew up with. Tipped to be a drow priestess of great power, he was being trained to be her weaponsmaster when her mother (the matron) died, but instead found out about her secret worshipping of Ellistrae and attempted to kill her at his matron' s orders.

Vera and Kendar battled fiercly, the captain herself loosing her eye before running her opponent through and escaping on a spinneret. Having to place herself in the lifejammer helm, she had no hope of escaping alive, but wanted to see the silvery light of the stars before she died.

Luckily she survived, found by a human tradeship and healed of the draining from the helm. Unluckily, however, her nemesis was also healed before his death, the matron finding him and charging him with bringing back her daughter alive. Part of the deal was any damage done to her daughter, whom she wanted to sacrifice to Lloth herself, would be inflicted upon Kendar — and so the drow soon found himself sporting an eyepatch. After several years they have both run into each other only a few times, and never has one been able to overcome the other in battle again, circumstances thus far luckily providing an escape or retreat. The true secret of Vera and Kendar however, one that is known by only the two of them, is that for years they were lovers, Kendar's charms enticing the young Vera into his bed in a time when she had resigned herself to her llothite fate— making it likely that Kendar would sire many of her children.

Of course, like any romantic tragedy in stories told of those such as the stellar corsair, there is more that only Vera knows. In a weak and lonely night only a month before escaping the spider moon her and Kendar shared a night of passion. The trick behind it is, however, that the Matron had given Kendar a scroll of Charm Person, and that she had worked a fertility charm upon her daughter hoping to force Vera's hand forward into duty. Kendar is still unaware that he and Vera have a son, some fifteen ears old, whom Vera gave up at an elven monastery. She aches for the day when she can hold her son under the same stars she herself spends hours gazing at, and for a time when she can remove the pain and love of Kendar from her heart.

Owns an Arrowing class vessel, w/ Major Helm,

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2022/09/21 18:53 (external edit)