Table of Contents

Lady Malinde

Baroness of Witcheim

Lady Malinde is a member of the Order Magika.

Lady Malinde is Dame Gerdie's daughter.

Mage(Witch) L14 NG Human

Malinde's character sheet

Character History

Malinde and her mother Gerdie were swamp witches, with a hut near the small town of Whiterun, when the The Party passed through en route to Dragon Mountain.

Malinde seduced Thalion Paurgiliath, Arch Duke of Eltán, and he told her that she, her mother, and any children from their union, would be welcomed and more respected in Nexus Prime.

She and her mother moved there, and were awestruck by the Order Magika. Working with the respect of diverse colleagues, and with the amazing magical library, so changed their lives that it was some time before she realized that she hadn't seen Thalion anywhere. Rather than seeking him out she arranged a transfer to the Order Magika tower in Dolornost Arnĕn, just outside the Capital. Still, even in his own Suburb Capital, Thalion seldom goes to the tower.

Their paths didn't cross until Bishop Datlat mentioned that there was a nice settlement of witches in Duchy Eltán, whose mother goddess seemed a lot like applying a female pronoun to the Benevolent Everything, and Thalion went to visit.

He was thrilled to see Malinde and her mother, and ennobled them, giving them the town of Witcheim in vassalage to Duchy Eltán.

Unique Spells by Malinde

Malinde's Chromatic Crown

AKA: Chromatic Crown

(Abjuration / Alteration)

The popular first-level spell Chromatic Orb has given rise to many variations, some more common than others. Chromatic Crown creates a sparkling headpiece adorned with gems of every color, which appears on the head of the targeted creature.

Depending on the caster's level and desire, one gem predominates over the others. the crown offers a bonus of +4 against one class of attacks, depending on the primary color of the crown selected at the moment of casting. See Table 1 for a summary of the Chromatic Crown effects by caster level and predominant gem color.

Table 1: Chromatic Crown Effects

Caster Level - Predominant Color - Protects versus

As with the Chromatic Orb spell, a caster can choose a lesser-level effect if he so desires. The Chromatic Crown does not function if any headgear other than non-magical wool or cloth is worn.

The required material component is a small golden crown. The crown need not have great detail and costs only 25 gp to make.

(Source: Dragon Magazine, Issue #242.77 (Dec 97))

Malinde's Chastity

AKA: Chastity


This spell compels the affected creature to abstain completely from any and all forms of sexual activity, including looking appreciatively but with sexual undertones, going to whatever lengths necessary to avoid anything which might lead to lust. The reverse, promiscuity, compels the subjects to attempt to engage in their most preferred sexual activities as much and as quickly as possible. The material component of this spell is a small silver key.

(From Great Net Spellbook V6, Author: Mario R. Borelli)

Malinde's Furball

AKA: Furball

(Alteration, Evocation)

Supposedly designed by a wizard by the name of Rakmos Shearlight for his friend's wool business, this spell causes fur or hair to grow on a living creature at a rate of 1 inch per round. It even affects creatures that do not normally have fur or hair (eg., one could create fur on an alligator). A saving throw is allowed and those that successfully save will not be affected by the fur or hair growth. Otherwise, the fur or hair will continue for the duration of the spell. The fur or hair will remain, even after the spell's duration expires, and it is not magical.

A dispel magic will only halt the fur or hair growth. Partial areas of large creatures have been known to be affected by this spell (the face of the red dragon Scorch, for example).

In itself, this spell is relatively harmless. The effects on the other hand can be quite interesting. Tight armour has been known to break and fall off, the fur or hair could catch fire (since hair is highly flammable), the fur can serve as extra insulation in cold climate, instant fur is provided for the lightning bolt spell, etc.

The material component for this spell is a bit of fur.

(GNSBv6, Author: Brendan Knox)

Malinde's Aura of Panic

AKA: Aura of Panic


Level: 7 Area of Effect: 20 ft rad Casting Time: 7 Components: V, S Duration: 1 rd / lvl Range: 0 Saving Throw: Special

This spell creates a 20-foot radius of fear around the caster. Any creature who enters this area must save versus spell or flee in blind terror for 2d4 rounds. Creatures affected have a 75% - 5% per level (minimum 25%) chance that they will drop whatever they are carrying. Any creature prevented from fleeing will fight as a berserker whomever is restraining them. A new saving throw is required each round spent in the aura.

Source: GNSB


Removed 'Organic Disruption from sheet - Dark Sun

Removed 'Volley' - Lost Spell

Removed 'Shadow Form' - Ninja

Exchanged Pottery skill for Meditation skill for OrAd spells