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Church of Yahshua

On Arda folk have taken to refering to Yahshua as the son of Illuvatar. Lancelot declared Doq'tor S. Kane High Pope on Arda, and many Yeshua worshippers hold services at the temple of Church of Aslan.

Lancelot Du Lac - Paladin(Errant) L36 LG Human - is a Paladin of Yahshua.

Josh Orcman the Paladin - P(Chevalier) L7 LG Half Orc - is a Paladin of Yahshua.

Sir John Sykes - Paladin(Chevalier) L6 LG Human - is a Paladin of Yahshua.

Sir Max D'La Rotta - Paladin(Chevalier) L7 LG Human - is a Paladin of Yahshua.

Larry the Monk - C(Mystic) L2 CG Halfling (Stout) - is a Monk of Yahshua who often has prophetic dreams.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2022/09/21 18:53 (external edit)