Emereldas is Captain Harlock's Ship Mage in the Free Imperia Navy.
Emereldas is part of the Order Magika.
Air Elementalist(Aristocrat) L8 LG Human
She escaped from the Nagi, a race that seeks to dominate the crystal shells. A loner and mysterious female sorceress, known to others as Emeraldas she sails the endless planets of the spheres - in her Seas of Star ship- fighting the tyranny of that merciless race. She is tormented by the memory of her lost love. A space pirate much like Harlock, she bears a scar under her left eye and runs his helm. She is with Captain Harlock and goes where he goes.
AKA: Glamden's Mixer
This spell requires the wizard to have a potion of any type in his possession. The potion is held in the wizard's hand, and when the spell is cast, the content is instantly removed from its container and reappears in a potion container in the target's possession. The DM then makes a potion compatibility check (see the Dungeon Master's Guide, page 135) for the target potion and applies the results normally. If the target has one or more potion containers in sight, the wizard may choose which one to affect. If the target has no containers in sight, then one is affected randomly; if the target has no potion containers in his possession, then the spell has no effect. This will also work on a potion that is just about to be quaffed, as long as the wizard gains the initiative.
The only material component for this spell is the potion to be mixed with the target's potion.
(Source: GNSB, Author: Glamden)