Military Governor Reyl Konnal is a Military Advisor to King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine.
F(Academician) L10 LN Krynnic High Elf (Sylvanesti)
Reyl Konnal is a military governor who had just came to power, as the Silvensti were forcing Alhana into exile as a dark elf.
He had agreed to have the Shield put up around Silvanesti to “protect” it. When the representatives came from the Free Imperia arrived and backed Alhana as a royal advocating a way to escape the dark queen he quickly capitulated to the force of reason.
Reyll is a realist yet he has good tendencies. He wants to do the best for his people. He still carries some weight amonst the Elven army because of his background as a tactician and has taken to privately counseling Princess Alhana. He would also like to see a Silvensti royal vaulted as high in the empire as possible. He teaches the Krynnic heir apparent in military tactics and offers his advice to the Free Imperia on occasion. He is staunchly elf-centric and because of this Aragorn and Laurana keep him separated from most of the Dwarven and human leadership. When he is asked however his academic skill in military tactics and experience are invaluable. A battle with his advice gets a +1 on attack or defense and a +1 on Elven morale. He often gives his advice through Alhana as he is increasingly separating himself from his past shame. He has a weak heart and often stays far from battle. He has experience in battle of course but has focused on the academic and bureaucratic side of it (-2 on all dice rolls due to weak heart (random check for heart attack if surprised or exerted.)) Reyl is also an expert logistician and can plan a campaign without fail. Generally he avoids non-elves but has been known to have a very close Kender whom he befriended many years ago. He has a soft spot for children of all the “goodly” races (but goes out of his way to make sure others do not notice) and will do his best to see evil vanquished. He has an intense hatred for Cyan Bloodbane and all evil dragons. Along with that hatred he has a bit of fear especially for Green Dragons. No one knows why, for it was long ago that Reyl stopped “adventuring.” The governor gets along very well with Aragorn on a personal basis however he does not agree with Aragorn's need for his pet humans… “Why not stay with Cooshie… they live longer and don't shit up their own den!”