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Vaxixari Sharkiller

Vaxixari Sharkiller is Princess Tashari's bodyguard.

Vaxixari Sharkiller is an aquatic Harnic elf, living with the Dargonesti Elf people.

F(Bounty Hunter) L13 CG Sea Elf

Vaxixari Sharkiller's character sheet

Character History

Vaxixari Sharkiller was only lucky… From a more seedy background he was driven from the sea for a crime he never committed. He started to make his fortune by killing sharks for the skins and turning them in for whatever he could get for them. One of the few aquatic elves to make it out of Harn many did not even realize that he was of an aquatic nature. He quietly did what he could to help the Harnic peoples make it in this new world. When Vaxixari saw Princess Tashari he was love struck! Although he could not speak her language nor her his, he felt so akin to her he started following her around and quietly worked to help her. She was a Princess of Aquatic elves after all. He started showing his heritage and no one questioned that he must be part of her entourage. Princess Tashari is so trusting and easy going she never thought to turn such a handsome aquatic elf away, even if he was foreign born to her. Often the Sharkiller is the only one to be seen with Princess Tashari and he is ever patient. He is also very much into parting and seems to be a perfect match for his self appointed position. He is much less naive and watches over the Princess with as much loyalty as any Krynn subject.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/05/01 16:50 by eltan