Lady Baroness Banti Vallenwood Commands Banti’s Archers in the service of Arch Duke Wings.
Lady Baroness Banti Vallenwood is in direct vassalage to the Emperor since Harn.
Lady Baroness Banti Vallenwood is a member of the Order Magika.
Former Ambassador to Waterdeep from the Free Imperia
TH/MU(Acrobat) L13/12 CN Harnic High Half Elf
Banti began adventuring with Aragorn many many years ago, but it was easy to see he was not quit her cup of tea. Although she broke away from the group; it was mostly due to the group that she was as successful as she was in Harn. With her shrewd business practices and luck she has accumulated much! Lands, Money, Power… All hers for the taking. Harn went into a world war and magic was beginning to fail… She was unsure of what to do, but again Aragorn called for her services… So she packed up as much as she could and relocated to Arda. She has met many new nobles thanks to her old 'friends' and Wings Xavior Falcon has become the answer to her prayers, for after all… She is a lonely half elf most of the time.
AKA: Magnetize
The spell causes 1 pound of metal per level of the caster to become magnetized (the entire item must be affected for this spell to take place). The item attracts other metals in a 5' radius per caster's level. If the item affected is light and there is an heavier metal item in the radius of effect then the item will move fast in that item's direction.
This spell can be used to hit heavily armored opponents with thrown weapons if there's no other metal item in the vicinity. Another use for this spell may be to cast it on a fighter's shield and helmet while he stands beneath a wall of iron and seeing him stuck there until the spell ends at which time he will suffer fall damage.
Items held or carried by unwilling subjects get a save vs. spells with their wielders' saves.
(Source: ENB)