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Sir Anadall Greywind

Herald and Household Knight of Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán

Acting commander of Rathkeeps Corps

Lord of Greywind Harbor, South Valley suburb of Dolornost Arnĕn in Duchy Eltán. Sir Anadall is a gifted shipwright, and there is a good shipyard here, usually with a couple partially completed Swan Ships under custom construction.

Sir Anadall Greywind's Character Sheet

F(Myrmidon) L9 NG Harnic High Elf

Household troops:

  • Leader:
    • 7th Level Fighter with Plate +1, Shield +1, Broadsword +2, H. Lance, composite longbow, Heavy Horse with horseshoes of speed
  • Troops:
    • 20 cavalry with ringmail, shield, 3 javelins, longsword, handaxe, light lance, composite longbow
    • 100 infantry with scale, polearm, club, composite Longbow
  • Household Guard:
    • 30 1st level fighters with Plate, spear, shortsword, composite Longbow, body shield / pavisse

Character History

Sir Anadall Greywind is the lord of Greywind Harbor, where he has a well designed small shipyard to pursue his passion for ship building.    He usually has at least a couple experimental craft on the slips there. Swan Ships are a personal passion, though not yet in mass production. He hopes to work with the Church of Eru Ilùvatar's Heritage Historical Preservation program to resettle the Grey Havens.

He is the acting commander of the Rathkeeps Corps, and spends a lot of time speaking to villages recieving new forts, to motivate the civilian levies into regular training and to encourage all of the villagers to appreciate fort protocols regarding alerts, materials storage, readiness, etc.    His knowledge of Military History complements his Oratory here, giving him a wealth of grisly examples to draw on, both of towns successfully defended, and of places where tradgedy resulted from things done improperly.

Scion of a knightly family on Harn, he was fostered with Thalion's household as a young adult, serving as his page.  Focus and determination, along with a skill in conflict resolution, led to quick advancement, as Thalion's squire, and then his own Knighthood. His skills in bugle and oratory have resulted in him acting as Thalion's herald.

Magic Items

Axe of Hurling +3

This appears to be a normal hand axe. With familiarity and practice, however, the possessor will eventually discover that the axe can be hurled up to 180 feet, and it will return to the thrower in the same round whether or not it scores a hit. Damage inflicted by the magical throwing attack is twice normal (2d6 vs. S or M, 2d4 vs. L), with the weapon's magical bonus added thereafter. (For example, an axe of hurling +3 will inflict 2d6+3 points of damage vs. S- or M-sized creatures and 2d4+3 points of damage vs. creatures of size L if it hits the target after being thrown.) The axe will cause only normal damage (plus its magical bonus) when used as a hand-held weapon.

After each week of using the weapon, the possessor has a one-in-eight chance of discovering the full properties of the weapon. In any event, the magical properties of the weapon will be fully known to the possessor after eight full weeks of such familiarization.

Longsword +2

Elven Chain +3

Medium Shield +2

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Potion of Extra Healing

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2024/02/14 18:39 by eltan