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Spellcaster Recruitment and Training Initiative

Thalion Paurgiliath, Arch Duke of Eltán, has set a serious recruitment push in motion as part of his readiness initiatives to prepare for the return of the Numenoreans and Dark Gods for Dagor Dagorath. One of the biggest focuses is sorting out any recruits with high enough INT or WIS to be useful casters or multi-class or dual-class casters.

The Church of Eru Ilùvatar and the Order Magika are training these new candidates at a great rate, and the Rainbow Barbarians have been a wonderful assistance taking them for a fostering period to toughen them up and get them some real world experience in a hurry.

The people this program produces are placed all through the Field Engineering Corps, and in the Rathkeeps Corps as fort clerics and mages. Some join the WATC, some are placed throughout the Empire, and some go back home and spread our culture there.

Andriero Paurgiliath has been doing a lot of publicizing of this recruitment push. He leads traveling recruitment fairs, and has the rank to get help from other swanky personages.

Even someone who wants to spend their life as a ditch digger, a carter, or a soldier can profitably spend a couple years training in the order or priesthood first, or continue in a dual role. They will be in demand, get paid better, and persuade their neighbors. Those with major abilities and callings will stay in, and a lot more of our peasantry will have a little magic in their life.

Other good and neutral churches are encouraged to participate, the interfaith effort being organized by the Church of Eru Ilùvatar.

/home/mounrlfd/ · Last modified: 2023/04/24 01:30 by eltan