Fire Walker(Undead Slayer - Elf) L7 LG Half Elf - Church of Kossuth
Kyo Paurgiliath's character sheet
Natural son of Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán. Mother is Hanafūko, half Wa-ic half Genasai from Calabash.
Member of Gatekeepers of the Benevolent Grotto.
Resident of Waterdeep in Faerun, on Toril, third planet of Realmspace.
Specialist Priest Spells/Powers
Natural Realmspace son of Thalion Paurgiliath, by Hanafūko, a half Wa-ic half Genasi lady, who is the daughter of the youngest daughter of a minor freeholding Bushi who rules over the tiny fishing village of Ryōshi-mura. Her mother, Yamakazeka, married Shalah, a Spelljamming Genasi trader captain from Calimport. This loss of station was minimized because of being a youngest daughter, and the Genasi's trading company receives special status in the Bushi's lands. The Bushi's merchants then distribute the imports throughout Wa. The Bushi consequently profits, without losing face by participating in trade himself. Over the years, his increased wealth has raised his status somewhat. The fishing village has been built up, and he allows his peasants unusual luxuries and liberties, resulting in strong loyalty.
Introduced to the faith of Kossuth at the Order of the Phoenix monastery, he began to study the traditional spiked chain flail there. Kyo and his mother eventually moved to Calimport, spending time with his maternal grandfather's trading company. He continued his studies at the Temple of Kossuth there, becoming a Fire Walker. When the Order of the Benevolent Grotto was formed, he came to the Sword Coast to spread the faith of Kossuth.
Given the Waterdeep problems with undead, he had his weapons silvered, and began to study with Undead Hunters there. His Mace of Disruption was a gift from his mentor when he ceremonially adopted the Undead Hunter kit. His special enemy are Death Knights.
He is delighted by the invitation to join the court of the Free Imperia and work with his half-brother Arigathalas, the Emperor. His mother hopes to spend some time working with the council of mothers who share in the governance of Duchy Eltán, but also likes traveling between Wa and Calimport with her father's trading company. Shalah's family were slaves until four generations ago, manumitted after the Spellplague. As a result they do not keep slaves, instead manumitting employees and building loyalty. Their humane practices are thought eccentric in Calimport, though they do tend to collect good aligned 'reformed flame' fire gensai, and work with the Calimport temple of Kossuth.
Expanding the WATC's reach into Realmspace, benefiting both sides of his maternal family and the Church of Kossuth, has great appeal to him. He also hopes to build Kossuth's first temple on Arda when he reaches sufficient level.
He is also intrigued by Aragorn's ring, and the potential restoration of a lost fire primordial, which would earn him enormous credit with Kossuth.
He has heard rumors that Aragorn has primordial power to distribute fire resistance, and if so blessed will start carrying an eternal flame on a holy symbol on one end of his spiked chain. He’s not sure what he can do for his brother, but is excited to meet him and hopes that he can be useful.
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
This belt looks similar to ordinary belts, but it is imbued with very powerful magic. When worn it increases the physical prowess of its wearer, giving him the Strength of a giant. (It doesn't cause the wearer to grow to giant size, however!) To determine how strong the wearer becomes and the bonuses he gets, roll percentile dice and consult the table below.
The Strength gained is not cumulative with normal or magical Strength bonuses except in combination with gauntlets of ogre power and magical warhammers.
(The number in parentheses is the number of chances out of 20 for the character to be able to force open a locked, barred, magically held, or wizard locked door. Only one attempt can be made per door; if it fails, no further attempts can be made.)
Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc.
Mace of Disruption
This appears to be a mace +1, but it has a neutral good alignment, and any evil character touching it will receive 5d4 points of damage due to the powerful enchantments laid upon the weapon. If a mace of disruption strikes any undead creature or evil creature from one of the lower planes, may utterly destroy the creature.
Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, wights, and ghasts, if hit, are instantly blasted out of existence. Other creatures roll saving throws as follows:
Creature Save Wraiths 5% Mummies 20% Spectres 35% Vampires 50% Ghosts 65% Liches 80% Other affected evil creatures 95%
Even if these saving throws are effective, the mace of disruption scores double damage upon opponents of this sort, and twice the damage bonus.
Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.
Spiked Chain Flail +1
The traditional weapon of the monks of the Order of the Phoenix. His has been silvered and enchanted to +1, and set with two quick locks, allowing an attempt to lock a grappled opponent in the chain, and potentially then lock the chain to something else. Tugging on an opponent so locked causes further damage from the spikes. He badly wants to set an eternal flame at one end, but is not yet sufficiently immune to fire to make this entirely practical.