Dargonesti Sound

Encircled by major port cities of the Free Imperia, the Dargonesti Sound is the penultimate exit of OrrĂ³duinĂ« the East River and the Jojojopo River (through East Harbor, on the Northwestern corner) and the Stronghold River, into the Southern Ocean.

Stronghold River enters the Sound through King Cormach's city of Harnia, built around Free Imperia Navy fort IN#22.

King Gilthanas' city Krynn is built on and off the Northern shore, including most of the Dargonesti population in neighborhoods below the water.

Middle Town, a Hill Dwarven city founded by the Three Kings of the Dwarves, is a prosperous port and silver mine on the Western shore in the foothills of the Jojojopo Peninsula.

The Free Imperia Navy built the Channel Forts across the islands that screen the Dargonesti Narrows at the mouth of the Sound. In addition, there are fortified lighthouses at IN#17 and IN#20 on the points outside the Dargonesti Narrows, and IN#18 is a major harbor and ship yard in the mouth of the Sound. Another lighthouse, IN#16, marks the furthest of the rocky islands extending from the point of the Jojojopo Peninsula that screen the Southern approach to the mouth of the Sound. IN#3 and IN#4 are Naval fortifications protecting the mouth of East Harbor.

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